New Lanark Excursion

Yesterday, Primary 5 went on an educational excursion to New Lanark World Heritage Site. It was to enhance their interdisciplinary learning about life as a child two hundred years ago, compared to the rights of a child across the world now in the twenty-first century. They impressed the tour guides with their knowledge of how Robert Owen was ‘ahead of his time’ and performed well in the 1820s classroom. The

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World Book Day 2018

Next Friday, 2nd March, we will be taking part in World Book Day. The children will receive a letter tomorrow with details about it and look out for the £1 book token in their bags next Friday. We’re hoping that some parents or grandparents can join us to share their favourite story!

Tartan Tea 2018

A fabulous day was had by all today at our annual Tartan Tea! All of the classes performed a Scottish song, we had former pupils playing the drums and bagpipes, and of course we had the results of our P4-7 poetry competition! Well done to all of our finalists, the four class winners, our junior and senior winners, and our overall winner who are all pictured. Our judges had a

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Fun in Primary 1

Primary 1 had a busy day! Most of their learning was based around the story “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”.  They are able to retell the story, order the days of the week, count how many things the caterpillar ate each day and describe the life cycle of a butterfly! They enjoyed making the fruits that the caterpillar ate from Lego and painting the caterpillar using their hand print. Thank you,

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Relaxation in P5

Here are Primary 5 enjoying a session of Relax Kids with Mrs Baillie this afternoon after working hard on Literacy, Numeracy and topic research. Promise they’re not sleeping!

Goodbye Mrs Moran

Today, we said a fond farewell to Mrs Moran. Mrs Moran has a new teaching job in a school closer to where she lives. She has been at Aitkenhead for nine and a half years and we will all miss her very much, especially P1! We wish you every success for the future, Mrs Moran.