NSPS Nursery Blog

May 16, 2012
by Mrs Brown
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April 2012


Look how fabulous these bonnets are! Amazing work, guys!


Illustrating our own front cover


Some of the lifecycles we’ve looked at have been of Butterflies and Frogs.

We made our own caterpillars.

We used bubble painting to create Frogspawn


This was a very tricky game on the SmartBoard, but we loved it! We had to put frogspawn, tadpole, froglet and frog in the correct order. We found out that a froglet grows 2 back legs, then two front legs and it’s tail gets shorter before it turns into a frog.

Lifecycle of a Frog

March 31, 2012
by Mrs Brown
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March 2012

Wow! What a busy month we have had! Here are a few photographs to show you what we’ve been doing…

We learned about flowers – how to look after them; what different parts are called and even planted some.


March 19, 2012
by Mrs Brown
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Visit from Warburtons

Gail and Linda visited us from a company called Warburtons. They make lots of different kinds of bread.

The preschool children made their own sandwiches and chose fillings from meat, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and banana.

We had to wear red hairnets so our hair didn’t get into the sandwiches when we were making them.

All the children got a milk roll loaf of bread to take home. Milk has calcium in it. Calcium is good for your teeth and bones.

Thank you Warburtons!

February 29, 2012
by Mrs Brown
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Pyjama Day

Our parents group organised a pyjama day.  The children (and staff!) were lovely and warm and cosy!

We went to the library and read some bedtime stories.

Rosanna in the library brought some great cushions for us to lie on whilst listening to the stories. Thank You!

February 29, 2012
by Mrs Brown
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Mini Pots of Care

We had a yellow day and our Children’s Committee chose the activities on offer throughout nursery.

Mini Pots of Care is a fun and creative planting activity to help raise funds to pay for more Marie Curie nurses.

The money raised by your child will help Marie Curie Nurses care for people with terminal cancer and other illnesses in their homes and provide emotional support for their families. The care they provide is totally free.

February 29, 2012
by Mrs Brown
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Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

We have learned lots about looking after our environment.  According to the Yellow group, that means looking after air, land, animals, people and water. Some comments we have had include “I reused clothes what my cousin gived me to wear, ‘cos she’s too big for them any more,”  “I draw on 2 sides of the paper” and “You turn the tap off when you’re brushing your teeth.”

In addition to the paper recycling bins we have in nursery, we now have a plastic recycling bin with a yellow lid, a blue recycling bin for cardboard and a bin with a red lid for tins and cans (we have practised the tricky word aluminium!) Aluminium is a kind of metal. Did you know that magnets stick to some metals but they don’t stick to aluminium?

We found out ways to reduce how much electricity our houses use. Try this site and see if you can find them all!


We played recycling games – both board games and on the SmartBoard and have become whizzes at putting different materials into the right bins!

Did you know? We have reduced our rubbish by over 50%! We recycle our milk cartons and have a compost bin for any food we don’t eat at snack. We are going to keep a chart to see how many times we can empty our recycling bins.

We looked after our environment by using a litter picker. Litter is rubbish that is on the ground. It should be in a bin because it is dirty and messy and bad for birds and animals.

February 19, 2012
by Mrs Brown
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February 2012

We’ve been taking care of our environment, finding out about birds and looking at ways we can look after them.

We have been feeding the birds with bread, crackers, birdseed and nuts. They are too scared of us to come and eat when we are outside, so we made a bird hide so that we can watch the birds but not frighten them away!

Peek a Boo!

We made our own binoculars which we used when bird watching. Did you know that bird watchers are called ‘twitchers’?!

January 30, 2012
by Mrs Brown
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January 2012

Robert Burns

We have been learning lots about Robert Burns and Scotland. We walked to the shops and identified Scottish foods. We looked for the Scotland flag on the label or packaging. We priced how much things were and made a shopping list for snack.

On Rabbie Burns birthday we had tattie scones, oatcakes and cheese and some delicious shortbread.

Scottish Food

Tattie Scones – yummy or yukky?!

We found out that Rabbie Burns was a farmer and a poet.

A poet is like a song with no music.

We learned some Burns poetry – Tae a Moose and My Love is Like a Red Red Rose.

Burns Poetry

My Love is like a Red Red Rose

We thought about what other jobs people might do. We painted portraits – have a look in the Foyer!

December 16, 2011
by Mrs Brown
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We have been finding out about different instruments. We had great fun this morning when Mr McLaughlan and some children from Taylor High came to sing and play for us! They were fantastic! We saw guitars and saxophones and sang some Christmas Songs together.

 We accompanied the singers and musicians in lots of songs, keeping the beat and playing loudly and quietly.  Beats of Brazil, who visit both New Stevenston and St Patrick’s Primaries, handed in a tambourine for every child from The Scottish Arts Council.  Thank you so much…we feel VERY festive now after jingling our bells. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

December 16, 2011
by Mrs Brown
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Countdown to Christmas

We have been having great fun in the run-up to Christmas! We have performed our Nursery Rhyme Nativity to family and friends

We danced, played games and had lots of fun at our party…

and have even had a visit and presents from Santa!

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