NSPS Nursery Blog

March 12, 2015
by Mrs Brown
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Nursery Blog

Finally, after a year, we are hopefully going to have a nursery blog thanks to Platform changes, software updates and other technical things that Mrs Brown doesn’t understand!

So, a brief recap of our year so far!

August/September 2014

Roar – We have been practising our gross motor skills through this fun footballing course.


Literacy and Numeracy Bears

Preschool children have been writing about the adventures of Wrangholm and Clydesdale bears and taking photographs using the cameras that the Parent’s Group bought us last term.

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Halloween – look at the fun we had carving pumpkins!


We invited our Grannies, Nannies, Pappies and Grandads to watch us learning in nursery to celebrate Grandparent’s Day.


The Road Safety Officer came to visit us and we practised how to be safe and seen when crossing the road.



Superheroes was our topic this month. We had great fun thinking about the various superpowers that heroes have. It helped us realise that everybody is unique and we all have important and differing skills.


After a fantastically attended meeting, our 3 Preschool Initiatives started in Oct/Nov. Don’t forget to look at the noticeboards in the foyer and in the playroom which will tell you more about what we’ve been up to.

Forest Fun – den building, marshmallow roasting, climbing and finding out about nature!

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Three Reads – we have loved being challenged by difficult vocabulary, using our prediction skills and finding out what the big problem is in a book. We are getting very good at retelling stories ourselves and choose questions (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy) to show how much we know and understand.


ABC Music – We are investigating different instruments, listening to the sound they make and exploring rhythm, pulse and beat. There are some great songs on the SmartBoard too, which we all love!



Planting in our garden.


After Grandparent’s day, it was time to welcome our parents to our Come and Play Day. We made it all week and parents could sign up for days and times that suited. We think it worked much better this way!



We found out about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.  Mrs Armstrong lit the Menorah and we talked about the significance of the eight candles (there is a 9th – the Shamash, which we called the helper candle!) We also played with dreidls and learned some songs.





Our children’s committee chose to sing songs at our Christmas Show. We practised really hard and did very well on the stage. In the imaginative area, Mrs Gallery helped us make a stable and we dressed up and retold the Nativity story.


Scotmid – we decorated some wooden shapes with paint and glitter and took them to Scotmid where we put them on their Christmas tree and sang some songs to the staff and customers!




The Very Hungry Caterpillar was our topic this month and we loved it! As it was too cold for real butterflies, we looked at photos and videos of the lifecycle, drawing pictures and even had some homework! We counted and tasted some of the foods that the hungry caterpillar ate.  We painted pictures, made models from playdough and even used snow and food colouring to make our own hungry caterpillar!


Pantomime – after our Christmas Show as performers, this was our turn to be an audience at ‘Tommy Tupper’s Terrific Toy Shop.’


Minizoo – there were lots of animals that we got to hold and touch, here are two of our favourites! A snake and a HUGE iguana!



High 5 for Fruit – we had 2 fantastic fruit and vegetable sessions. We made pictures with vegetables – just look at the cool face that one clever girl made.  We also made some delicious fruit kebabs….yummy!


Library Visits – we go to the library quite a few times each month. Here are some pictures of one of our visits.



The Eco committee visited to tell us about being healthy, turning off the taps, litter and recycling. We are trying really hard to be responsible citizens!



Chinese New Year

We were very lucky and had a visit from one of the Mummy’s who told us how Chinese New Year is celebrated. We all got a red envelope with sweets inside! One of our pupils visited Hong Kong recently and here he is with genuine traditional dress. We made a dragon and had our very own dragon dance too!


January 6, 2014
by Mr Creighton
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December Website

Orthoptist – Paula and Clare visited the preschool children to check their eyesight. We looked at letters, pictures, followed a little light and even spotted a ball jumping out of some dots. We had glasses or patches on to make us pirates and give each eye a test to see how clever they were. Look at these pictures – children, princesses and even Santa have to get their eyes checked! ENG 0-12a Letters – We have been exploring letters and words. Here are some photos of us using the iPad to practise letter formation and copying words on the easel with wipeboard markers. HWB/RME/EXA The Nativity – We have been learning about the Christian Festival of Christmas and performed The Nativity to a huge audience of over 160 adults! There were lots of enjoyable songs, although our favourite was probably ‘3 Kings were Riding.’ Christmas Party – Our Children’s Committee chose the party food and games we played at our party. Our enterprising Parents Group raised an amazing amount of over £700 between raffles and calendar sales. We sang Jingle Bells and Santa came to visit us and give us each a great present. We can’t wait until Christmas now!

January 6, 2014
by Mr Creighton
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November Website

Crazy Hair Day – Our Parents Group arranged a crazy hair day fundraiser. We had lots of fun and raised over £90 for nursery funds.
SCN 0-06a Space – We enjoyed learning about Space and each group had homework to find out about a different planet. We made a display and group booklets – why not come and look at them sometime?
LIT 0-14a – We visited the library and used the internet to research Space and the planets.
HWB 0-19a and SOC 0-18a – We discussed what we were learning at various activities on offer throughout the nursery. We made choices about where we were going to play and who we were going to play with. We used stickers to share our decisions with our parents/carers when we went home.

November 9, 2013
by Mr Creighton
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October – RME

RME 0-06a
This month we have been learning about the Muslim festival of Eid-ul-Addha.

We drew pictures of Mehndi Patterns and the next day Mrs Brown copied these onto our hands.

We had visits from parents to tell us how Eid-ul-Addha was celebrated in their house. We found it very interesting and would like to thank Mrs Waseem (am) and Mr Muhammad (pm) for sparing their time.

Some of us went on a long long walk to the Mosque! We took the iPad and took photographs. We saw 2 different shapes – a star and a crescent moon.

We used star shapes and cutters at the drawing, writing and playdough tables.

At the story corner we had puppets and information books. We found out that you have to take your shoes off when you go into the Mosque….we hope no one has stinky feet!!!! We looked at different prayer mats in one book and learned that you have to wash in a certain way – and don’t forget to wash your ears to be able to hear all about Allah.

MNU 0-01a

We have been learning about amounts and have been counting, sorting, measuring and matching lots of different things.
HWB 0-23a

Soc 0-17a

We made decisions about where we wanted to play in nursery. At the end of the day, we had to put a tick or a cross beside our choice to say whether we had done it. We were learning about responsibility and that we were to make sure that we did what we had planned to do. We took these plans home to show our grown ups how responsible we’ve been.

October 2, 2013
by Mrs Brown
1 Comment

August/September 2013

What a quick Summer! We hope you enjoyed the fabulous weather and had lots of fun over the holidays.
Welcome back to our returning children and a big Hello to all our new boys and girls. We are looking forward to having fun and learning lots of new things together during the next year.

Here are some of the Learning Intentions we have been focussing on. We have also had a Jeans for Genes day, where we raised £188.62. Jeans for Genes Day raises money for Genetic Disorders UK and aims to change the world for children with genetic disorders.
We also took part, with New Stevenston Primary School, in ‘Respect Me’ week. Mrs Henderson came and read us a story about Percy the Park-Keeper and his friends. We discussed what things we could do to be a good friend, and our feelings when people were and weren’t being friendly.

HWB 0-14a I value the opportunities I am given to make friends and be part of a group in a range of situations.

MTH 0-16a I enjoy investigating objects and shapes and can sort, describe and be creative with them.

EXA 0-02a I have the freedom to discover and choose ways to create images and objects using a variety of materials.

LIT 0-02a I enjoy exploring and choosing stories and other texts to watch, read or listen to, and can share my likes and dislikes.

June 18, 2013
by Mrs Brown
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June 2013

This has been a busy month!

We went on an Eco Scavenger Hunt with Mr Whiteside from New Stevenston Primary School. We had to find things with different textures.

We finished our block and graduated from Mini Movers, where we not only developed our footballing skills but also learned a lot about being healthy. We could identify different food groups and create a healthy plate. We also discussed sun safety and breathing clean, fresh air.

Children have had visits to and from their new Primary 1 teachers and we have been getting to know our buddies for children going to New Stevenston Primary School.

Our parents group organised a wonderful Family Fun Day.  Bouncy Castles, face painting, giant games, ball pool and soft play alongside the ever popular Carousel ensured a fun filled day. And the rain stayed away until afterwards. Hooray!

June 18, 2013
by Mrs Brown
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May 2013

This month we had a fantastic visit from Think Science! We watched lots of different experiments and even joined in some! We were introduced to different scientific ideas, such as hot air rising, static electricity and making clouds.

We found out about, recognised, practised and investigated different shapes.



We also discussed our feelings. We used puppets, masks, paintings, stories and jigsaws to investigate a variety of feelings such as sad, happy, frightened, excited, worried and surprised.

April 30, 2013
by Mrs Brown
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April 2013

This month we enjoyed performing for our Daffodil Tea.

We visited St Patrick’s Primary School and were very excited about seeing real chicks hatching.

We had lots of fun with the sound and pattern of language. We listened to and recited lots of nursery rhymes and stories.

I like to practise rhyming. I liked to play a game. I know to make an ideal rhyme, the words must sound the same!

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