Morningside Blog

Number Talks Strategies

Number Talks is a Mental Maths programme which aims to support pupils in developing number sense. Number sense is the ability to understand numbers and quantities, and perform calculations mentally. Number Talks is based on a range of different strategies for the four processes of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.

Number Talks is a 15-20 minute session at the beginning of each Maths lesson, which gives pupils opportunities to complete calculations using the strategies. This can be done independently, in a group or in a whole class setting. Children share their chosen strategy and explain how efficient their strategy is for working out the particular problem. It is okay to make mistakes, as children are encouraged to help each other work out where they have went wrong.

This documents below will tell you what strategies the children complete at each stage.

Early & First Level Strategies

We are currently working on the Second Level Strategies.


Below are some videos of children completing calculations using the Number Talks Addition and Subtraction strategies:

458 + 608



Friendly Numbers

Making Tens



545 – 322

Adding Up

Counting Back



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