Category Archives: Primary 3
Eggs, Eggs, Eggs!
Today we have had lots of Easter fun. Most of it has involved eggs, boiled and chocolate!
We have had lots of fun in class looking at all the decorated eggs as part of our competition, teachers found it very difficult to decide on the winning design. Some classes went outside to roll their eggs in the playground to see who could roll the farthest and we have had an Easter Egg Hunt in school, if you were lucky enough to find a paper egg hidden around school then you could trade it for a chocolate one!
Here are some photos of our fun filled day. Happy Easter!
Congratulations to the winner of our Easter Egg Raffle, Kyle!
Lidl Health Bus Visits Lawmuir
On Friday 13th March, pupils were lucky enough to have the Lidl Health Bus visit the school. Pupils were taught about healthy choices and even made a healthy snack.
Here are Room 10 making smoothies on the bus. It was great fun!
PTA Movie Night
Primary 1 Enrolment
In The News! – Christmas Coffee Morning
Happy New Year!
North Lanarkshire Council Schools’ Calendar Competition
A huge congratulations to Emma from Primary 6 who submitted her artwork to the schools calendar competition.
Emma was one of the winners and will have her artwork and photograph included in the 2015 calendar which is sent to all schools and education establishments in North Lanarkshire.
Emma, her family and Miss Harper attended a presentation ceremony where all the artists got to see the calendar for the first time. They had a lovely night!
Congratulations Emma! We are very proud of you!
Here are some of the photos from the night!