Category Archives: book week

Primary 7 Room 7 Readathon – Book Week

Primary 7, Room 7 thoroughly enjoyed sharing their Readathon time with Primary 1.  We took some time to work with our Buddies, helping them to read and enjoy lots of different books.  We asked questions about the characters, settings and plots and encouraged the Primary 1 children to read as much of the book as possible, helping them with the more tricky words if necessary.

We also read some of our own, more challenging texts to allow the children to see what we get up to in Primary 7!

Have a look at our photos to see how much fun we had!

Room 12 Book Week

We had a fantastic time at Book Week.  We loved reading the book “Jack and the Beanstalk.”  Chloe enjoyed acting out the story with her peers and performing on the stage.  Kelsie loved making the beanstalk out of a selection of materials.  Kayleigh  enjoyed learning about the parts of a bean and planting her very own bean.  Tommy loved making his very own magic bean out of clay.  Sophie was very keen to use her measuring skills to measure the beanstalks and place them in the correct order.  Evan  loved reading his book  for the Readathon.  We had a fabulous week and participated in lots of active week photos