Mrs Cimmino (English & Media)

  1. I would love to visit Australia and, in particular, scale the Sydney harbour bridge. I’d also love to write a best selling novel and become just as rich and famous as JK Rowling (I can dream can’t I?).
  2. I’d love to have the ability to silence children with my super-power death stare, but I’d also love to be able to fly. I think that would be amazing!
  3. Celebrity – I like lots of celebrities but at the moment I would have to say that I’m reliving my childhood and becoming a bit of a Take That fanatic.
  4. Food – Seeing as my husband is Italian I would have to say that my favourite food is pasta – particularly his secret bolognese recipe which only he knows the ingredients to…
  5. Book – I just love classic novels and my all time favourite is ‘Pride & Prejudice’ by Jane Austen. I have read it so many times and was even given a rare first edition as a special gift at Christmas.
  6. Film – I love all Disney films, especially Toy Story and Finding Nemo, but also like the Harry Potter Movies as the special effects are always good.