Who is Who?

We asked you guys what you would like to know about your teachers and here’s the questions that you came up with:

1. What one thing would you like to do before you’re old and grey?

2. If you could have any special power, what would it be?

3. What is your favourite food?

4. Who is your favourie celebrity?

5. What is your favourite film?

6. What is your favourite book?

Now look below for the answers!

Mr Lanagan (DHT and Head of Curran House)

  1. I’d love to do a parachute jump and/or hot air balloon ride over the Grand Canyon.
  2. Flight or (not really a “power”) I’d also like a go in Batman’s car.
  3. Celebrity – Peter Kay
  4. Food – A nice juicy steak or a pepperoni pizza
  5. Book – “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger
  6. Film – I know it’s cheating, but I can’t choose just one: Kid’s film – “Toy Story”; Comedy – “Best in Show”; Crime – “Goodfellas”; Foreign – “Cinema Paradiso”: Horror – “The Shining”