Category Archives: Media

Higher Assignment Section 2

Now that you have submitted your planning section and created your product, the second section of the assignment requires you to evaluate both the process and the product.

Look at the attached document for a plan for laying out the points you want to make.

For section a on Institutional Contexts, you should make at least 4 points on different institutional opportunities or constraints.

For section b on your Content, you should make at least 5 points on different codes or conventions or key aspects you have used to create meaning. The codes you use will be specific to the form of text you made.

I will go over some exemplars in class.

Mr D

Higher Media Assignment

Production Assignments

Hello my mini media minions!

As we have been discussing in class, it’s time to focus on our Production Assignments. This will be a mixture of class time and work at home. Here is a reminder of our production schedule:

  • W/B 5/2 – Complete research. Write 1st draft planning (HW Fri 16th).
  • W/B 12/2 – Begin production.
  • W/B 19/2 – Productions completed by Friday 23rd.
  • W/B 26/2 – Begin evaluation 1st draft (HW Mon 5th).
  • W/B 5/3 – Redrafting assignments (HW).
  • Monday 12/3 – National 5 Assignments submitted.
  • Monday 26/3 – Higher Assignments submitted.

Here are some of the planning help sheets for the assignment that we have been using in class along with some exemplar answers.

Planning – Audience Exemplar

Planning – Brief Exemplar

Planning – Content Exemplar

Planning – Creative Intentions Exemplar

Planning – Institutions Exemplar

Media Film Poster Assignment 1 – Brief

Media Film Poster Assignment 2 – Audience

Media Film Poster Assignment 3 – Institutions

Media Film Poster Assignment 4 – Content

Media Film Poster Assignment 5 – Creative Intentions

N5 Assignment Section 1 Plan

N5 Assignment Pt1 Exemplar

Hope this helps. Remember that you are in control of this, especially your plans and your own production schedule. Come and see me if you need any help or advice.

Other than that…

Music Videos

There’s SNOW stopping my attempts to educate you lot!

Here are some pictures of my board with points for/against the Beyonce and Jessie J videos. I will get around to typing these up and will share them with you when I do. Until then, I hope these will suffice.


Mr D

Blade Runner

Hello Meejits!

Here are the notes that were handed out in class for those with butter-fingers that are likely to have them slip through your fingers or for those that like to have them on your oh-so-smart devices!


Mr D

Blade Runner Notes


Blade Runner_ anatomy of a classic _ BFI

Blade Runner: The Final Cut review – a timeless sci-fi classic | Film | The Guardian

This Future Looks Familiar: Watching Blade Runner in 2017 |