Work for Wednesday

Sign up for or login to Khan Academy, then undertake the course below.


Use your jotter to take notes, I have created a class with the code <in email>


you might want pay special attention to the Relational Queries in SQL section. I have created a class with the code <in email>

Python – Thonny

I know that some of you have struggled to get Python working at home, so let me introduce you to Thonny.

Thonny is a Python IDE for beginners, it has Python built in so no need for a seperate install. It has a lot of cool features that you may find useful. I am going to demo a few features (the following text is from the Thonny homepage )

No-hassle variables.

Once you’re done with hello-worlds, select View → Variables and see how your programs and shell commands affect Python variables.

Variables table

Simple debugger. Just press Ctrl+F5 instead of F5 and you can run your programs step-by-step, no breakpoints needed. Press F6 for a big step and F7 for a small step. Steps follow program structure, not just code lines.

Stepping through statements

Step through expression evaluation. If you use small steps, then you can even see how Python evaluates your expressions. You can think of this light-blue box as a piece of paper where Python replaces subexpressions with their values, piece-by-piece.

BGE – Powerpoint Triggers

We have been making quiz games and spooky castle walk throughes. Today we added some invisible triggers to our presentation to make zombies, etc. to appear.

You can try something similar at home by following this video.

Welcome S5 & S6

Welcome back S5/6, we hope you are well rested and raring to go after your exams.

As explained in yesterday’s introduction, the class will be delivered by two teachers at different periods;

  • Mrs Welsh; Software Development and Computer Systems.
  • Mr Stratton; Databases, Web Development, Implications and Media Types.

A course planner will be issued shortly and it is expected we will be using MS Teams this year.

Enjoy your studies and remember you only get out what you put in.

Higher – 2017/2018 Course

There appears to be little bit of confusion among pupils.

The Higher course this year will have Unit Assessments, an Assignment, and Exam. This is unchanged from last year. The Higher pages on this site have the relevent course information.