Pupil Blog: Knights & Castles Workshop!

School knights and castles workshop by Robyn and Natalie

P4 were lucky enough to be visited by North Lanarkshires knights and castles workshop. We got to dress up to be a Lord,a lady,a king,a knight and loads of other people back in that time. After that we got to see a stone castle and a wood castle model. We saw a jester jug and the lady that came in said that we could try pouring water into a cup but it had holes in it so when we tried to pour it it made loads of spillages. There was little toys that we got to play with there was a flute a drum,a ball and two cups. We didn’t know what the cups where for so we just played our own game with them.on the last station we got to look at pictures of castles. After that we we got to wear helmets and after that we got to lift heavy chain mail it was so heavy that we had to lift it in a group of four. After that we got to hold a real sword and a real axe but you may think that the axe cuts down trees but it is actually meant for chopping people’s heads off and we also got to hold a giant dagger it was really scary and we also got to hold a shield. When we held the weapons we were very carful.when she was leaving we gave a massive thank you and we helped take the stuff back to the office. Thank you for reading p4 blog.

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Pupil Blog: Our School Trip!

P4s school trip by Abby and Hannah P

We went to Huntington tower and Elcho castle on our school trip. The first castle we got to pretend that we were all servants in the castle! We also had to remember a tricky song that we kept adding to. It was great getting a job to play, and we got to sit around the great hall table. We also got to see the Lords privy which was a toilet, but the lord had secret meetings there so no one could hear him! Privy means private!We all enjoyed it. We all had partners and Miss McNeills’ mum came with us. We had to go up stairs that went round and round. It was a bit scary going down the big round stairs on the last floor, we went up to the roof were they would look for enemies. It was so much fun. We all loved going on top of the castle it was so high. We all loved the view. Please look at our great photos!

Morgan: It was so much fun looking round the castles.

Violet: I liked going up to the top of the castle and looking at the view.

Gregor: the long bus trip was well worth it.

Hannah M: I liked going round the castle with my partner

Calum H: I liked going inside the castle with my partner.

Tamara: I liked going into the castle because I liked seeing what was in the castle.

Eva: I liked when the girl said there is two bats now living in Huntington Tower

Abby: I loved everything!!!! 🙂

Hannah Potter: I loved it 🙂

Jenna: I loved going on top of the castle!!!!

Robyn: I enjoyed it!!!!

Miss McNeill: I had a lovely time with my super class. They were so well behaved and polite, it was a pleasure taking P4 on this trip. J

Thank you!

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Pupil blog: Happy Easter!

Easter story blog by Violet and Robyn

we have been learning all about Holy Week and the Easter story. We all have been working with p5 to learn two lovely Easter songs – ‘Easter jubilation’ and ‘sun arise’. We hope you enjoy our singing!

We have also created a basket with lots of fluffy Easter chicks, as w know Easter is a time for new life. They are so fluffy! Check out all of our photos.

Here is our summary of the Easter story by Violet and Robyn:

A long long time ago Jesus rode into Jerusalem on his donkey, everyone was waving palm tree leaves. One of his disciples told the priests where Jesus was Judaism got money for telling them were Jesus was. Jesus sat down for a special meal and told them that someone had told the priests were he was. Jesus said that Peter would deny him before the cock crows three times. Jesus broke the bread shared the wine at the last supper he told them he had been betrayed Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane. Judas showed the Roman soldiers where Jesus was and they arrested Jesus. Peter said he didn’t know Jesus. The cock crowed three times. A judge called Pontus Pilate set Barrabbas free from jail instead of Jesus. Jesus carried the cross to the hill. Jesus was crucified. Jesus died the temples curtain was torn in two. Jesus was put into a tomb sealed with a large stone. On the third day,the stone was rolled away. An angel told Mary Magdalene that Jesus had risen from the dead. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and the discples before going to heaven .

The Easter story means new life!

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Pupil Blogs: Knights and Castles




Knights and castles by Christie and Coral and Kyle Ca

We have been learning about  knights and castles we all labeled a castle on a piece of paper to show how good we are at remembering all the parts.We also went outside to make up our own dances. We watched a video of children doing medieval dances and they were very good.We drawed jesters with our pencils on a piece of blank paper and we done a sentence. We have some awesome photos below!

Harris: In Lancaster Castle they still use a court room.

Eva: Castles have arrow slits.

Abigail: the Queen lives in Edinburgh Castle.

Adrianna: a castle is a tall building that Queens live in.

Rishi:  soldiers walk on parapets to protroll the area.

Jenna: knights used to train when they were 7/8 years old.

Abby: knights did not have any iPads or phones.

Kyle co: the Moat around the castle was not clean.

Natalie:castles where build out of wood in the olden days.

Cole: people used to drink wine because the moats where very dirty Evan kids drank beer and wine.

Gregor: Nights and castles where based on medieval times.

Leena: the portcullis was at the front of the castle.

Tamara: knights did not write or read.

Kyle ca: when you walk into a castles.

Hannah Mac: Knights could not read or write.

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Pupil Blog: Health and wellbeing – Respected

Health and wellbeing – Respected (food and culture) by Kyle Co and Natalie

We have been learning about respecting other people’s food. It means you should not make fun of other people’s food, don’t laugh at it – you could maybe taste it. We have been creating menus for different restaurants, and then making our menus into amazing Pic Collages using iPads.
We will post some photos soon.

There is a a good website here – Respect – which explains all about respect and how to show it, inspire it and how to go about it.

Aaraa, Harris & Robyn : it is really fun looking at all of other foods

Leena, Christie and Aaron: we really like learning about food and making a menu.

Coral, Violet, Gregor and Ryan:we have learned more about food.


Pupil Blog: Fitness!

New blog by Hannah M and Ashton

At P.E we are learning about fitness. First we play a game like tunnel tig and then we do a warm up. After that we start a course around the hall with lots of different stations. We have one minute and a half at each station and each pupil has their own fitness tracer when they record how much of each activity they have done.

Violet- I learned how to do a proper press up and fell much more confident in them.

Ryan – I found out that you need stamina for push-ups and sit-ups.

Coral- I have learned how to do lots of different things.

Niamh- Fitness is fun.

Rishi- I learned how to do a mountain climb.

Christie- I like the step ups.

Gregor- High intensity is tough but if you believe in yourself you can be able to do it.

Alfie – Me and Kyle had a good example of a press-up

Aaron- In P.E you need lots of stamina and strength.

Jenna- I learned how to mountain climb.

Lenna- I enjoy leaning mountain climb and it is a little bit tricky when you try it but when you practice more it gets easier.

Gregor – you have to eat your 5 a day to stay heathy.

Robyn-I like when we did the star jumps it was terrific.


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Pupil Blog: Knights and Castles (NEW topic)

Knights and castles by Aaron and Eva

We are starting a new topic in p4, it’s called knights and castles. Here is a video which tells you about how castles used to be built. Here is a site which shows you how to draw a quick castle. Below are some facts we know about castles, what we think about them or we would  like to learn…

  Aaron: Castles are very big.

Eva:nights guard the castle.

Jenna:Why are there castles?

Ashton:William Walace is a famous knight.

Gregor:there are lots of different castles.

Robyn:why do castles have lots of stairs?

Hannah: How many castles are there in Scotland?

Kyle co : we’re is the first castle built?

 Morgan: Some castles are small.

Sarah: what the knights were called?

Kyle ca: what is the most famous Castle?

Abby: How many castles are in a the world?

Gregor: Castles are found all over the world

 Violet: Why did they have to fight?

Rishi:how many castles are in the whole world?

Miss McNeill: I want to know what knights do in a castle.


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