As part of their Space topic and Instructional Writing, Primary 3/4 were making moon rocks! They used baking soda, black food colouring, glitter and a splash of water, then they shaped their rocks with their hands. When their moon rocks were ready, they wrote instructions on how to make them. Now the other classes can give it a go!
Tag Archives: P3/4
Harvest Assembly
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our food collection and who came along to help us celebrate and give thanks at our Harvest Assembly. P3/4 gave a wonderful performance and shared the important message of caring and sharing.
They explained that as a Rights’ Respecting School we want to help ensure that people in our local community have the right to nutritious food. Therefore, we are delighted to be making our donation to the Lanarkshire Food Bank in Airdrie.
Our parents & friends enjoyed refreshments in our Fairtrade cafe’. We are extremely grateful to everyone who entered our raffle for a Fairtrade hamper, we raised £53 and the lucky winner was Mrs Reid !
I have experienced the energy and excitement of presenting/performing for audiences and being part of an audience for other people’s presentations/performances. EXA 1-01a
P3/4 Football training
P3/4 have started getting ready for a block of football training sponsored by Tesco bank. During September and October pupils will be enjoying sessions from a trained coach every Friday. The lessons will end with a tournament involving other local schools.
I am discovering ways that I can link actions and skills to create movement patterns and sequences. This has motivated me to practise and improve my skills to develop control and flow. HWB 1-21a