Some of our P6/7 pupils were involved in the football festival at the Excelsior stadium and a great time was had by all !
Tag Archives: Health & Wellbeing
Infant Orienteering
P1-3 had great fun learning the skills of orienteering with our Active School’s Coordinator, Stephen Hughes.
P4-7 braved the cold and wind and thoroughly enjoyed their first orienteering session with our Active Schools Coordinator, Stephen Hughes.
Team building
P3/4/5 enjoyed team building games with our Active Schools Coordinator, Stephen Hughes. We practised our skills, showing how we can cooperate with each other and work as a team.
Yoga sessions
We all enjoyed the yoga during Eco week. We learned how important good breathing, balance and relaxation is for the body.
Sugar Awareness Workshop
P4-7 pupils were finding out about the sugar content in a range of popular foods and drinks. We discovered that there are over 52 different terms/names for sugar and it is often difficult to tell how much sugar is in many of our favourite drinks and snacks.
Eco week gets off to a flying start !
Playground Fun !
We have been working together to make our playground a more interesting, fun place to play. Here are a few quotes from the children.
I wasn’t sure about playing in the ‘Houses’ but it’s really good now because we’re getting the chance to play with other people. – Chloe P7
I ‘m happy that we get a chance to play with different people in different areas. I like to help the younger ones or choose to play with my own friends. – Megan P7
I like playing with the big ball – T’Jay P2
I think it’s better that we play in our House groups so it’s not all the little ones versus the big ones. – Cameron R P7
I didn’t really like playing football in the Houses with the little ones because we have a harder shot and we could hurt them.’ Ellis P7
I like to get the chance to play in the nursery garden. I like to sit in the shed in the peace and quiet. – Kelsey P5
I would like to do tennis and badminton in the sport’s area. Now that we know how to play badminton, we can teach the younger ones. – Ailidh P3
It’s good that everyone gets the chance to play with different toys. I like to sit in the shed on the benches and the big blow up ball is fun too. – Kirsty P7
Here is a plan of the playground zone areas.
This is the current rota for the zoned areas. We are keen to ask the playground supervisors and the children’s opinions to make sure we are keeping everyone safe and happy.
Karate taster sessions
All of our children were given the opportunity to try out some karate moves during the recent taster sessions. Classes are available at Tollbrae primary school and a leaflet with details of the group is displayed on our parent noticeboard in our school reception area.
I am learning to move my body well, exploring how to manage and control it and finding out how to use and share space. HWB 0-21a
I am discovering ways that I can link actions and skills to create movement patterns and sequences. This has motivated me to practise and improve my skills to develop control and flow. HWB 1-21a
As I encounter new challenges and contexts for learning, I am encouraged and supported to demonstrate my ability to select, adapt and apply movement skills and strategies, creatively, accurately and with control. HWB 2-21a
Primary 4-7 had the opportunity to try out ‘Parkour ‘ at a recent taster session. The experienced coaches set up a course to teach the children how to move quickly and efficiently through their environment using only their bodies. They learned how to travel around obstacles by running, climbing, jumping and vaulting safely.