Tag Archives: Eco Schools

P1/2 Green Fingers !

P1/2 were helping to weed our raised beds and plant flowering bulbs for us all to enjoy. We spotted some creepy crawlies and even had some time for a play in the  nursery garden.

I have helped to grow plants and can name their basic parts. I can talk about how they grow and what I need to do to look after them.

SCN 0-03a

Through taking part in a variety of events and activities, I am learning to recognise my own skills and abilities as well as those of others. HWB 1-19a

Eco Action Week 15th-19th April

We are continuing to work hard to achieve Eco Schools status for our school .  We are holding an Eco Action Week to help us raise awareness  of particular issues and focus on our priorities this term. We will be involved in lots of fun Eco activities from Monday 15th April to Friday 19th April. Activities include –

  • A visit from St. Andrew’s Hospice
  • A woodland walk with our local Forest Rangers
  • Planting at the allotment with our friends from B&Q, You Can Do It team.
  • A visit from our local RSPB representative

Our Eco Committee have been taking a close look at our school grounds and will be consulting all of our pupils to make an action plan to improve our play facilities and outdoor learning opportunities.