Parent Council Bag Packing Fundraiser

A big thank you to all the parents and children who came along to our local Morrisons supermarket to raise funds for the school. The children and adults spent the afternoon helping shoppers pack their groceries and the public gave very generous donations. The Parent Council are looking forward to sharing the fundraising total with us all soon.

Playground Improvers!

Our mural is taking shape despite the rain ! We are hoping to complete our mural and the repainting of  all of our playground markings soon.

We are keen that everyone gets the opportunity to get involved in the painting and hope that all children bring in old clothes and shoes, if they haven’t already done so, to enable them to take part.

P6/7 visit to the Scottish Parliament

I can describe the main features of a democracy and discuss the rights and responsibilities of citizens in Scotland. SOC 2-17a

I can investigate the features of an election and the work of representatives at a local, national or European level to begin to develop my understanding of how democracy works.                                                                                                                   SOC 2-18a