To get an idea of how Glow Blogs are being used we took a visit to the Local Authority Home pages and followed a few links from the Latest Posts. The Posts are below the Word Cloud generated from the titles once we remove schools names and words like school, nursery, etc.
This tutorial shows how to make a school site with Glow Blogs. The tutorial will cover using the block editor, along with a classic theme.
There are a few ways you can use Bluesky in Glow Blogs, we have added a tips page: GLOW BLOGS & BLUESKY.
We have just added some information and instructions about Featured Images, These are a rather neglected ‘feature’ on Glow Blogs. They are really useful for making your posts stand out on both your own site and when you share them. There are especially useful if you share posts and can enhance your own site by […]
In the most recent update to Glow blogs we updated the version of Jetpack that we use. Jetpack no longer supports Additional CSS. This is no longer available from the customiser or in the Styles of the Site Editor. CSS already added to sites continues to function. Native WordPress support Additional CSS but not in […]