

iPad Tips

Accessibility Features on iPads


Free apps

Anyone requesting a free app should go to the council’s Hornbill IT portal to request it.  Please note a screening form linked on the app request page in Hornbill must be completed before approval can be given.

Before you request an app, please ensure that the app meets the criteria below.

Apps will not be approved if they:

  • require collection of pupil data
  •  require pupil logins
  • contain adverts
  • are for a free trial only

Paid apps

Staff can request that paid apps be added to their school iPads using the Hornbill system too.  Please note budget details will be requested.

Apps are paid for centrally and schools are re-charged for the amount invoiced by Apple.


Many of our staff have gained Apple accreditation through the Apple Teacher  programme.  Choose from iPad or Mac courses.




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