Our School

Greenwood Academy is a 6 year non-denominational school which serves areas of Irvine, Dreghorn and Springside. We have 5 associated primary schools – Elderbank, Glebe, Dreghorn, Lawthorn and Springside Primary School and also accept placing requests from other schools both within and outwith North Ayrshire.

The school roll in session 2019-20 was 1263. The percentage of young people with a Free School Meals entitlement was 29.2% and the average attendance was 88.47% .

In 2020-21, we continue to focus on 4 school priorities closely related to the National Improvement Framework priorities.

  • Improve attainment and achievement for all, including literacy and numeracy Equipping children and young people for the world of work.
  • Improve employability skills and sustained, positive school-leaver destinations for all young people.
  • Increase pupil, parent and family participation in learning and the life of the school.
  • Improve young people’s health and wellbeing.

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