Greenwood Academy is an inclusive and rights respecting school where the needs and aspirations of all our young people are at the centre of what we do. As part of our work towards providing a community where all are valued, we have an active LGBTQ+ group called Prism which meets at lunchtimes on Mondays and Thursdays. Pupils from all year groups and staff from all areas of the school come together to offer friendship and support to members of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies. The group also carries out activities within our learning community to celebrate LGBTQ+ special events throughout the year. Our Prism notice boards keep pupils and staff up to date with LGBTQ+ information and provide a platform for our group members to express themselves with their own personal contributions. In August 2021 Greenwood began its journey towards Charter Status with LGBT Youth Scotland. We are currently enjoying working towards achieving our Bronze Award.
LGBT Youth Scotland: