Literacy & English January ’18

Following the children’s interest and discussions about toys, after the Christmas break, we have created our own Toyshop.

We have been writing and mark making to give information. We know writing has a purpose.

We made signs and posters and wrote price-tags and receipts.

Rosie made a book to sell in our shop.


Olivia led the search for the missing dog from the shop.  Her team made posters and leaflets to help track him down.

Numeracy & Maths January ’18

In our ToyShop, throughout the play-room and outdoors we have been sorting and grouping toys and objects.

We discussed the features of our toys/objects and sorted by colour, shape, size. We spoke about what made toys work; batteries, electricity or something different – wind up toys.

We have been exploring money and have now introduced this as part of our snack routine. We know money is used to buy goods, we can recognise some coins and we can use money language such as; cost, how much?, more, change.

Ella-Rose explains “you know it is a 5 ’cause it is the wee shiney one.”