Category Archives: Our Learning

Science Week -Rockets

Written by Anna Grant

On the 21st of March we had a visitor called Mrs Birnie to tell us about rockets and she showed us how rockets work. She showed us her own rocket that she made earlier then we had to make our own rocket.We stuck a front cover onto a bottle then we had to use cardboard from the recycling and we  had to make a tip for the rocket. I made six wings for my rocket. Then we went outside to test out the rocket. The shortest launched rocket was Sam and Kole’s rocket. The furthest one was John’s rocket. It was fun when it came to my rocket because I got to launch it. Sometimes other peoples rockets didn’t launch because the launcher was too wet. I used creative skills because we were decorating our rockets. We used listening skills because some people had to work in pairs and you had to listen to what other people said and we also used prediction skills.

Science Week

This week in school we have been doing some fun science experiments. Below are some recounts of them.


By Anna Grant P3

This week is Science week for Inveravon Primary School and we did a lot of experiments and I’m going to tell you one that we have done.  My favourite one was the boat experiment. We had to use washing up liquid, a paper boat and a tub of water. We put the fairy liquid on the back of the boat. It zoomed forward. We had to keep on tipping out the water because sometimes it didn’t work. At the beginning I thought it would flip over when you put the washing up liquid on, but it didn’t flip over it zoomed forward.

Mrs Smith helped us do the experiment and I enjoyed it very much because the boat moved by itself and it was like a real boat.


By Olivia Robinson P3

On Monday we made gloop. To make it we used water and cornflour. I made the gloop with Zander. It was really sticky and fun to make. When I pressed the gloop it went hard and whenI let it go it went wet and runny. When we left it overnight the gloop went hard. When we picked up the broken bits and crumbled them up they turned back into a powder. I learned that when you add water to cornflour it goes all sticky. I thought it would stay gloopy and it was really fun to make because we got to make a mess and I like to make a mess.

We did the experiment because it is Science Week! I learned that Science isn’t all about blowing things up.

The Magic Water

By Aaron Rogers P1

The experiment was to see how many spoonfuls of sugar would disapear in the water.

First we put cold water into a glass.

 Then we added a spoonful of sugar then stirred it in until the sugar was gone.

We had to keep doing it until the sugar would not go .

Presentations of the Water Cycle

On Wednesday we were learning about what makes good teamwork skills. In pairs we had to identify these, then using them we created a poster explaining the water cycle. We presented our water cycle posters as a team to the rest of the class.

When we had finished we evaluated it.We gave comments of one wish andone star to  give us the chance to make our presentation even better.

Micro – Tyco update

Last week everyone  made vases from tin cans.They were decorated in tissue paper and we used Mog Podge glue as this was waterproof.We then had to leave them to dry they looked glossy when they were finished..We  are going to sell them at the Inveravon coffee morning which is to be held on Thursday 28th Febraury from 10 am 11.30 am.

We took part in making a geography quiz. which will be sent around Aberlour for people to buy, we need to discuss how much to sell them for.

Written by

Sam P6 Fraser P4

Micro – Tyco

The topic for this term will be Micro –Tyco. In short it is an enterprise challenge which takes place during the month of February. After much discussion and research the pupils held a vote on whether they would like to participate. The pupils voted overwhelmingly in favour. They thought it would be a good learning experience and the money raised would go towards helping others in the developing world. So far the pupils have registered and received their £1. With this seed £1 they have to think of and carry out a fundraising event. Hopefully a profit will be made and the £1 will grow. For further information the website to access is

For this to be a success we desperately need your help. If you have any good fund raising ideas or could offer your services in any way we would be delighted to hear from you. We would like to raise as much money as possible!

Robert Burns

Today with Mrs McCann we  were talking about Robert Burns.

We spoke about what happens at a Burns Supper , what you would eat and what would you  wear?

We all went in to groups and made a mind map of what we knew about Robbert Burns and how do we celebrate him?

We all had a try of making our own Tartan also.