Category Archives: Our Learning


Well its a new term and the children are looking forward to learning some more German. This afternoon a new student will be coming in with Mrs. Smith  to share her learning with the children. The children are hoping to show her around the school and share their local area with her. We shall have plenty photos to follow this.

Fun time at Inveraon


We had a sponsored walk/litter-pick up on Thursday the 15th of May. We walked from Cragganmore to Blacksboat, and then back to Cragganmore (which was 5 miles!). It was really tiring but fun and we only picked up a couple of bits of litter which made us feel proud of our community. On Wednesday a teacher from the neighbouring high school came in to teach us about electro-magnets. We learnt that if you wrap a peace of wire around a piece of iron and attach a power-pack you can make it magnetic. It was also fun to use a magnet to move and make patterns with the iron filings. We were also getting better at setting up a science in P.E. We were seeing if different surfaces affected our running times. It was really hard to make it a completely fair test and we want to do another one to get even better.

Global citizens and we explore communiaction

This term we are learning to be Global citizens as we explore communication. It all started with a letter from a school in Germany. It asked us to explore the questions, how did people communicate in the past? And what are the Pictish stones that we have in our area?

We started by using the 3, 2, 1 bridge tool which is 3 thoughts, 2 questions and 1 example of what we thought communication was.

This then lead on to us researching about the Picts and their life style in the 300th and 400th Century. The pictures on the Pictish stone were a form of communication. We think the symbols on the stones were telling stories of every day life and war.

We then looked at the Vikings as they came after the Picts. They came from Scandinavia and attacked Britain from the North. The language they spoke was Norse. They then settled here as the ground was more fertile and they grow their crops to survive. We don’t all speak Norse because the Viking’s took our language as their own as they started to live with the Saxon’s who spoke English.

Our learning than moved on to Technology. We made a report about technologies in the past to present times, which included the change of the postal service in 1939 -1940 which is still the postal service we have today. China in 105 BC invented the first newspaper. In 1923 Vladimir Zworykin invented the first TV camera. The facts we learned were very interesting as we thought life must have been hard in the olden days to now.

We have been very lucky to be able to have had visitors from all over the world. Jenny Hoff comes in once a week to teach us German words and songs, she makes it really fun to learn.

Also he had Summer, who came from China and she shared how very different a life it is over there as children go to school from 7 am in the morning and finish at 9 pm at night and this is for primary 1 – 7 and secondary school. It was the opinion of all our class that we didn’t want to go to China until we were adults! We also learned that they have 2 different ways one was to talk using prompts when they were small and when they were older they had to learn write using totally different symbols, she told us there was thousand of Chinese symbols to learn.

Mrs Dolina Roy also came and shared with us her experiences of living on a hebridean Isle of Barra. We learned that they only have 1 plane a day to bring people and supplies in the winter months and 2 in the summer. The Island is only 6 miles by 8 miles. We learned that on Barra they speak Gaelic. When Mrs Roy was at school she only spoke Gaelic when she started and had to learn English, she found this hard as her parent’s didn’t speak any English.

Our learning is still ongoing as we are learning more different ways of communicating.   

Written By

Zander P5 and Olivia P4

Open afternoon


On Monday 13th January, Inveravon Primary School invited the parents to come in and see what we have been leasrning about.

Our topic  last term was all about “Creativity” We also presented a movie of all our learning showing what tools we used.

” I see”

” I think”

“I wonder”

Also we had 10 minute creative thinking tasks for our parents to try and we showed our parents all of our paintings we have inspired to do after examining different artists.

School Nativity “The Donkey Seller”

After weeks of practicing for the school nativity the children gave a fantastic act of the “The Donkey Seller”

There are many different characters and some of us had a few nifty costume changes to do throughout the performance.

The story is traditional……………Mary ……….. Joseph………….a baby and all the usual suspects …………but this year, Bethlehem’s donkeys take a more prominent role and we tell the tale from their point of view.

We see how a dull and boring December evening is transformed by the arrival of some unexpected visitors and how the profit driven donkey seller comes to realise that there are more important things in life than making money.


Great turn out for the children and fun was had by all.

Farm Visit

On Thursday 26th September Inveravon pupils went to Glenrinnes farm and to a Game keeper’s house.

We first went to the farm and then went back to the bus and Colin our bus driver took us up to the Game keeper’s house.

The farmer took us to see cows and calves and a bull we ask some questions about how much they cost? And how old were they? Then we went to see the sheep and there was some sheep with horn and some without. We asked how many sheep they had. We had an opportunity to get a turn of a quad, loader and tractor .Just before we left the farm we got to see the dogs which were very loud.

At the Game keeper’s he showed us 2 ferrets which we were lucky enough to name. It was decided to call them Fern and Suzie.

Written  by

Rowan P3 & James P6


Miss Smith has been teaching us all about persasive writing. This week we were to write to our parents to ask if they would be willing to give up some of their time to help get our Lego Club up and running again.

These are 2 examples of the childrens work.

Inveravon Primary School



AB37 9BA

Dear Mum and Dad,

I am asking if we can get your help with the Lego club. We need help to run it as Mr Cockram is too busy at the moment. It is every Wednesdayfrom 2.45 to 4 pm.

Lego is great for building your creative skills, expanding your mindset and learning to work with other people. These are some of the reasons we want Lego club to continue.

If you can help , you will see what fun the kids have. We can build castles, cars,houses and lots more.There is plenty lego inschool to do all these things.

We would be very gtraeful if you could give up some of your time to help us. I know how much you like helping the school and you wouldn’t  like to see us upset.

Everyone agrees that Lego club should come back again. I can assure you that you’ll have lots of fun with us if you agree to come.

Yours sincerely

Your loving James (p7)

P.S If you do come , please bring some biscuits.


Inveravon Primary School



AB37 9BA

Dear Mum and Dad,

I am writing to  ask you if you would help with Lego club. You would get to know me and my friends better and I know you would really like that , so please do it. I would love you to help us , please. The other kids and I would love to spend more time with you.

Lego club is not only fun but also extremely educational and I already know, you want my education to be “top noch” so please help. It will be awesome if you do it so please do it. Okay  now I am going to tell you why its educational. It teaches us how to build things and grow concentration. We can also be creative and use our imagination  to learn how things work. I am sure you will agree that Lego club helps us become awesome learners.

I know you may find this fun.I also know you work very hard  and need a rest but please help. If everone volunteered then it may only take up 45 minutes of your time every term. So  please do it. So do the right  thing and volunteer today it would help your community.

We all know Lego club is fun and educational and that everyone enjoys taking part , including the adults. All you need to do is say “YES” and do the right thing for your community school.

Yours sincerely

Olivia (P4)