Fun time at Inveraon


We had a sponsored walk/litter-pick up on Thursday the 15th of May. We walked from Cragganmore to Blacksboat, and then back to Cragganmore (which was 5 miles!). It was really tiring but fun and we only picked up a couple of bits of litter which made us feel proud of our community. On Wednesday a teacher from the neighbouring high school came in to teach us about electro-magnets. We learnt that if you wrap a peace of wire around a piece of iron and attach a power-pack you can make it magnetic. It was also fun to use a magnet to move and make patterns with the iron filings. We were also getting better at setting up a science in P.E. We were seeing if different surfaces affected our running times. It was really hard to make it a completely fair test and we want to do another one to get even better.

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