All posts by Mrs Duncan

Louise Peel

Hi everyone,

Wow what interesting facts! I have certainly learnt a lot.
I live in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and I thought you might like to know some interesting facts about where I live.

1. We have the tallest man made free standing building in the world. Its name is the Burj Kahlifa and it is a whopping 2, 722 feet tall, that is 830 metres!

2. The school week here is Sunday to Thursday so while you are still enjoying your Sunday lunch at home children Dubai are at school. However on Fridays you are all working hard in class and the children of Dubai are already enjoying their weekend!

3. The moon appears to be upside down in Dubai if you come from the UK. The crescent moon is facing down and angled slightly from the right instead of the left.

4. Dubai is famous for Pearl diving, oil industries and also jewellery. Did you that the longest gold chain ever made was made here and spanned 4 kilometres?

5. There are no postal addresses here in Dubai. People need to use a PO BOX number to receive mail.

I wonder if you could find out some interesting facts out about where I live and surprise me with some things I dont know. I’d like to hear some cool facts about the indigenous sea life and land animals too!

Thank you for sharing


Last week during Eco Schools we cut down some birch trees with Mrs Ferguson because they were blocking out sun for other plants. We also got some compost from the compost heap behind the school and then we filled the trellis with soil and then we planted sweet peas.

Hop Scotch Theatre

Last week we were very lucky to have the Hop Scotch Theatre come and perform to us.

The show was all about how to keep our bodies healthy, they described how food is treated in our body.

We learned what happens to the food inside your body and how the bits of your body breaks up all the food. if you eat to much  bad food your heart pumps fast .  Because there not healthy foods. We learned that you have a spy called a auntie body. It gets rid of all the things that shouldn’t be in your body. The stomach breakes up all the food that has not been chewed properly so you don’t choke.

Glenlivet Primary and Knockando Primary also joined us to see the performance.

We used evaluating skills because we had to fill in a evaluation sheet and give it back to them.

Speycraft visit Inveravon

Mr Morris and a  group of 3rd year girls from Speyside High School visited us to day to tell us about there enterprise. There enterprise is called Speycraft, they sell Fair Trade products a the girls told us they do this in there own time (parent evenings,break and lunch times and any school events)   The girls had made a PowerPoint presentation and told us all about what they do and also told us about  an opportunity that our school  may want to take part in. This involves coming up with a idea and then a business plan it will then be submitted and the best one from all the entries will be awarded £100 to go towards a new business idea.

This was also a great opportunity to let the Speyside pupils know about our Micro Tyco and the processes we went through also for our enterprise.

Grow Well Choices

Every Monday afternoon Sammy and Kristy come and do Grow Well Choices . All the P4-7 ‘s do this. We have learned about sugary foods,  and the eat well plate. We also do games at the end. The games are always fun!

Our homework was to keep a healthy life diary, we were to try and do 60 minutes of exercise a day and eat 5 portions of fruit and veg.  On a Monday morning we would review our diaries and highlight what we could do better. If it was orange it means we could improve it, if it was green it means we have done it and if it was red it means we didn’t do it.

Written by Fraser MacDonald,P4