Term 4 week 1 & 2

Wow we have been so busy in the last 2 weeks after coming back from our Easter break.

We are now going swimming lessons on a Friday morning with all the children taking part.

We have also been lucky enough to have a visit to Tesco’s in Keith to see where the fruit and vegetables come. We noticed that they are importing things from all over the world.

Firstly we went on the shop floor and we had to find fruit and vegetables which were the colours of the rainbow. This was tricky for the vegetable group as they could not find anything that was blue! Mrs Reid then told us that you can get blue potatoes, so thats something we need to look out for.

In 2 groups we then had to estimate the weight of the items in our basket and then went to the checkout and checked our results.

We also visited  the bakery department and were lucky enough to get to make our won doughnuts and sugar them too.

Alan Linee also came and visited us at our school and talked to us about foraging and natural history. He talked about bush craft and helped us identify different plants in our playground. We looked at the 4 main things you need to survive in bush craft and they are  Shelter, food water and fire and what they can help you do. IMG_0770 IMG_0772 IMG_0752 IMG_0753 IMG_0756

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News Letter March 2015

March 2015


Dear Parents and Children,


Here we are at the end of March and I can’t quite work out whether it “came in like a lamb and is going out like a lion” as the old saying goes or if it is the other way round as I seem to recall it being a bit chilly at the start of the month too. Hopefully the sunny days are just around the corner, although it is beautiful today, and we will all finally be able to shake off the persistent coughs and snuffles which have worn everyone down over the past few months.



It has been another busy term and we really enjoyed celebrating the children’s learning with you at the open afternoon yesterday and through our annual reports. On reading the reports I felt enormously proud of the children as their motivation and enthusiasm for learning came shining through each and every one. Of course we see this on a daily basis as the children come into school smiling and keen to get going and it is so rewarding to hear them speak about their time in school with us as positively as they do. I am sure you all enjoyed reading the reports too as they were particularly awesome! On behalf of you all I would like to thank the staff team for the hard work, commitment and care they devote to the children and to the life and work of the school. Inveravon is a purposeful and happy place and even as I write this newsletter I hear laughter ringing down the hall.


Our open afternoon went well and the children yet again rose to the occasion and gave us a very enthusiastic and comprehensive overview of their learning. Like many in the room I was quite astounded by how quickly they have learned and then performed a song which they sang in mandarin. What also struck me was the confidence with which the children all stood in front of us and talked about what they know. They have the ability to engage with their audience with ease and the whole afternoon had a natural flow and sense of harmony. Thank you to everyone who came along and took part.

We have enjoyed many visits and visitors to the school this term which the children have really appreciated and learned so much from. I won’t list them all as the best people to ask about who has been in are the children themselves but highlights have been Polly Burns from the Spey Fisheries board talking about pearls in peril, Brian Robinson explaining about electricity, Mr Finlay discussing oil production, Derek Bird informing us about the War grave commemoration, Julia helping to extend our German vocabulary and most recently Bella who has been introducing the children to Mandarin. Grateful thanks go to all who have supported the children’s learning and shared their knowledge and expertise with them. All of our visitors have commented on the variety of very good questions our children ask, their good behaviour and the very positive vibe in the school. Well done Inveravon.


In the last newsletter I mentioned that we are installing a new interactive Smartboard which we have decided to put into what is currently the active playroom. We will have quite a bit of moving of resources to do which is is not altogether a bad thing as we do need to have a good clear out, however it is a tad daunting so we will do it gradually over the next term and through the summer holidays so that everything is ready for the start of the new session in August. If the budget allows then we will have a look at how we can spruce up the classroom as well.

I also mentioned that we will be taking the children swimming on Fridays on a weekly basis for as long as we can next term but we will have to wait for Speyside High School to draw up their new timetable before we can say for certain how many sessions we can provide. The children are really looking forward to this and we are delighted to be able to make it happen. Time will be a bit tight so if everyone can practise drying and dressing themselves as quickly as they can over the holidays then they will be well prepared and we will get back to school in time for lunch.


Hopefully the warm days are just around the corner and we will manage to cast off the winter gloom and benefit from the spring air and sunshine. The playground is looking a bit forlorn at the moment but we hope to get out to start sprucing it up and bringing it back to life next term. We desperately need help with maintaining the garden area as the weeds seems to grow twice as quickly as everything else so if you feel you could help us out then please come along and do what you can. Mrs Lawson and the children struggle valiantly every year to get the planters filled with flowers and to keep on top of the weeds whilst trying to get vegetables to grow and she would really appreciate another pair of hands on a Tuesday afternoon. There will still be plenty to get stuck into on our Groundforce day so please keep that date free and come along to give us even just an hour of your time. I will issue a list of things we have identified that we need your help with after the holidays and no doubt we will soon have the problem of cheeky rabbits to contend with too………………any ideas?


Whilst it was great to see so many of you yesterday afternoon I appreciate that not all of you could manage along so I will take this opportunity on behalf of all the staff at Inveravon to wish you a Happy Easter and hope that you have an enjoyable holiday time together. I plan to spend some time with my two little grand daughters as I have not been able to see much of them recently.



Kindest Regards




Head Teacher

Dates for diary issued March 2015

                   Dates for the Diary   March 2015


Monday 13th          Back to school

Tuesday 14th           Hopscotch Theatre Company for P1-3

Friday 17th             Swimming

Monday 20th           Whole school visit to Tesco

Wed 22nd               P7 Growing Up talk at Knockando

Friday 24th            Swimming

Tuesday28th          Edinburgh trip departs



Friday 1st               Swimming

                             Edinburgh Trip return

Monday 4th             May Day Holiday

Tuesday 6th            P7 growing Up talk at Knockando

Sunday 17th            Groundforce Day 1.30 – 4pm Refreshments Provided

Thursday 21st        Inservice

Friday22nd            Inservice



Thursday 11th          P7 visit SHS

Monday 15th           P7 visit SHS

Wednesday 17th      P7 visit SHS

Friday 19th            Parent council Midsummer BBQ and Treasure Hunt



Thursday 2nd         Last Day of Term. School closes at 2pm