News Letter February 2015

February 2015

Dear Parents and Children,

How brilliant is this weather! The lighter mornings followed by sunshine and longer days certainly cheers us all up and brings a smile to our faces. We all have much to be thankful for as we look around and appreciate the beautiful countryside we live in and our community which it nurtures. Bring on Spring!

Baby News

My newest granddaughter Isabelle Islay Cooper was born two weeks ago today so I am a grandma all over again. She is totally adorable and I am smitten! Hopefully she will make it up to Inveravon in the not too distant future to meet everyone here.

Life and Work of the School

We are going to be installing a new interactive whiteboard during the Easter holidays in order to ensure we keep abreast with the latest technology. Our dilemma is that we are not sure which is the best classroom as that would be the room we would install it in, so we asked the children to help us decide. They have used the Tug of War thinking routine (ask them about it!) to try to help them work out the pros and cons and come to a conclusion……..they are still debating it. Have you any opinions? Please let us know!

Starting after Easter we have organised for the children in P4-7 to have a block of swimming lessons at Speyside High School. Colin will drive them down and depending on the day we are allocated they will be accompanied by either Mrs Reid, Mrs Laing or Mrs Duncan. More information will follow but this is an exciting addition to our curriculum.

Our Unicef come as you please day raised about £15 which is great. The children were very thoughtful as they became aware of all the different reasons why so many children across the world don’t have access to education and their reactions and empathy were commendable. Well done everyone.

As part of our study on Sustainability we are in the process of organising a visit to Tesco to find out where our food comes from using their resource called Farm to Plate. More information will be provided when we have finalised all the arrangements.

Getting Out There

Earlier this month Inveravon Primary was yet again the venue for an Outdoor Learning training day which was attended by over 20 teachers from different schools across the authority and indeed some teachers from Highland were present. The content of the day was good and the delegates were able to make good use of our amazing local environment to plan what Outdoor Learning would look like back at their own schools. All were greatly envious of the wonderful opportunities we have right on our doorstep here where I think it’s fair to say that outdoor learning is embedded. The excellent behaviour of the children was commented on along with the bright and colourful wall displays and overall happy ambience within the school. Big tick for Inveravon!

Progress and Achievement

On Tuesday March 3rd we are looking forward to seeing you all in school with the children to talk to Miss Smith about progress and next steps in learning. This will take the usual format of approximately ten minutes for each child. Can I ask that you all try to take heed of the time allocation in order to avoid the evening running late. (I know how tricky it can be!)   I am sure everyone will have lots to say as there is so much evidence on the walls, in the pukka pads, weekly reflection logs and home/school diaries about the fantastic learning which is taking place in the school and I can’t wait to read the reports. Mrs Bassett will send out appointment times with this newsletter.

Sharing our Learning

Finally there will be an opportunity for you to come along to school on Thursday March 26th as the children want to share with you all that they have found out about Sustainability. I have loved seeing how this study has evolved and how interested and motivated the children are by it. It will be good to get together just before the end of term.

With only five weeks until the Easter holidays I am left wondering where on earth the time is going. In the meantime I have attached a dates for the Diary for you to keep and refer to. I hope life is treating you well and that you are happy and content. I look forward to seeing you all over the next few weeks.


Kind Regards

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