September dates for Diary

Dates for the Diary

Tuesday       Sept 30th    Visit To Glenlivet Estate


Friday                   3rd      Parent Council Beetle drive

Friday                   10th    last day of term

Monday        27th    First Day of Winter term


Wednesday   5th      Sponsored Obstacleathon

Tuesday       11th     Open Evening  5.30- 7pm

Friday                   14th    Inservice – School closed to pupils

Monday        17th    Inservice – School closed to pupils

Tuesday       18th    Inservice – School closed to pupils

Friday                   21st    Disco – School Fundraiser 6.30pm


Thursday      11th     Pantomime Inverness

Friday                   12th    Christmas lunch

Tuesday       16th    Christmas Concert

Thursday      18th    Church Service  am    Party pm

September Newletter

September 2014


Dear Parents and Children,

What a lovely start to Autumn we are having and the countryside is beginning to adorn itself with its spectacular colours which I always look forward to. The children are enjoying the mild days so they can get outside to play and have fun together.

Our little school community is settling in well and we have welcomed three new pupils to our midst. Jade, Flora and Iona have brought their own special talents and wonderful personalities to the class and we are enjoying having them all with us.

The other week our Parent Council held its annual AGM where Tim Rogers was re-elected as chairperson, Stuart Cockram bravely volunteered to become secretary and Chris Roberts courageously took over as treasurer. Many thanks to these gents for volunteering their time and effort. Thanks also to our outgoing office bearers Brian Robinson and Emma Maguire who served us well in previous years!  It was good to see some new faces at the meeting and I can recommend the parent Council meetings to all of you. They are informal, friendly and informative. More importantly they work for the benefit of all the children in the school.

At the meeting it was agreed to purchase two i.pads for the children to use in school and I think this is already underway. Eventually these will be linked to the Moray Council Intranet but for the moment they will be used as standalone devices.

It was decided to hold a Beetle Drive as a fundraiser and also as a night where the school community can get together. The date was set for Friday October 3rd and it would be really great to see all the children there with their parents. Beetle drives are a laugh! Please come along as now more than ever we need to ensure we raise funds.

Next week Miss Smith and myself are going to the Scottish Learning Festival in Glasgow where we have been asked to represent the authority and present our approach to Interdisciplinary Learning. This has been a major focus for our curriculum development for the past two years and we are still working hard to develop it. We have created a display which maps out our approach using the Big Ideas (Creativity, Community, Communication etc) and will present this to colleagues from across Scotland. It’s good to know that Inveravon is still recognised as being a centre of very good practice in Moray and that they have confidence in what we do here in our wee school. Mrs Bremner will teach on Tuesday followed by Mr Watson on Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs McCann will finish off the week by covering the class on Friday.

I know the children will enjoy themselves and will have positive experiences from these different practitioners.  Hopefully Miss Smith and myself will come back with good and invigorating ideas which we have heard about from other people too.

The school estate review is now drawing to a close and the proposals which have been drawn up will be announced next week.

School Fundraising Events

We have decided to hold another sponsored obstacle- athon on Wednesday  November 5th  from 1.15 -3pm.

This will ensure that we as a school have sufficient funds to enable us to cover expenses throughout the festive season. The children will be issued with sponsor forms next week giving them plenty of time to get them filled up over the next few weeks. PLEASE don’t just put in your own names and then forget about them. Spread the load and involve extended family, neighbours and people who work with you.             The school fund balance is currently at zero!

We will have another Smartie Tube Challenge running over the next few months as well so check your change for 20p coins and pop them into the empty smartie box. When it’s full bring it to school. I thank you for your support in this matter, always remembering of course that it’s your children who benefit.

I have added a dates for the Diary Section at the end of this newsletter for your information.

I hope you are all well and I look forward to seeing you all soon

Our learning Term 2 Week

This is a few of the entries for the childrens weekly refections of their learning for the first week back at school.

Fraser P6

I was being a successful learner this week by setting myself a challenge when making a wildlife key with James. This was the first time doing this and we got a really good start. Mrs Lawson was very helpful with this and we needed a lot of discussion to start with so we knew how to lay things out.

I was being an effective contributor this week and building team strengths by helping Flora with her weekly reflections. I was able to expand her answers by asking why?

It made me feel happy being able to help others as I am able to share my learning with them.

Anna P5

In art we were making things for the wall like birds and bugs. I made a robin and I was being a effective contributor by finding solutions, as I had to find the colours I needed and match them for my robin.

In math’s this week I was doing position and movement. This is a new task but I found it easy. I would use this when someone is me giving directions. I now know my left from right as I use my hands as a tool to help.

Aaron P3

I was using the times tables dominos this week. It was fun. It really made me think and I had to concentrate. I want to learn my times tables.

I prefer to work in a group for math’s as it makes it easier and everyone can help each other.

I was making caterpillars which were made from pom poms and goggly eyes. I found making them a bit fiddly because you have to stick the hairy pom poms together.

After they were finished Miss Smith then put them on the wall for everyone to see. This was a fun task to do.

Kole P5

In art I was making a Barn Owl for the wall display in the classroom. I choose the owl as I like there eyes and they look cool. I was able to kept focused and finished the task and I enjoyed it.

On Thursday I was doing my reflections for the week. I find this easier by getting help. Mrs. Laing helped me by keeping me on task. I also found that my pukka pad comments helped and made it easier. I just need to work harder on remembering to write down everything in my pukka pad comment after each lesson.