On Tuesday the 23th April the P6 & P7 from Craigellachie, Rothes, Knockando and Inveravon Primary’s departed for Edinburgh there was 53 of us.
Once we reached Edinburgh for our fun filled few day we were all issued a diary to write.
Day 1
We went to Deep Sea World. We saw lots of fish and sharks. First we went to the shark class and learned about lots of differant sharks. We learned how fast they swim and how different they look.
Then we went to Butterfly world, we got a chance to hold a tarantula, Python, Millipeed and a Butterfly. The Python felt dry and smooth, the Tranatula felt hairy and the Milipeed felt tickly.
When we got to the hotel we got changed and had supper. We had burgers and peas and chips. After supper we went bowling when we finished bowling we got a drink and went back to the hotel.
Day 2
We first went to the Castle, we saw the Crown Jewelsand there were also canons .
When we left the castle we went to Dynamic Earth we saw alot of cool things .After we went back to the hotel and we had supper. We had the choice of pizza or fish fingers.
In the evening we went for a ghost walk, it was not scary but was fun.
Day 3
On day 3 we went to the Museum we had a drama session about items from Egyptian time. We had a look around the Museum.
Next we went to the shopping centre we had to go around in groups of 3-5 this was our free time to look around the shopping centre and buy things if we wanted.
In the evening we went to an indoor climbing centre. We got split into groups to go on different walls.
Day 4
We visited the Zoo, we were able to see the GiantPanda’s, Black Jaguar’s, Lepoards, Tiger’s and Monkey’s.
In the Education Centre we were put in to2 groups for a compition on ewas the Monkey’s the other th e Lion’s. The task was to match the materials under certain chairs to the correct animal. The Monkey’s won.
Written by P6’s
Alyce Farquharson, Sinead Calder and Sam Maguire