Facinating body facts

1. Most of us have about 100,000 hairs on our scalp.

2. Each red blood cell travels round the body 172,000 times before it dies after about four months.

3. The fastest human muscle can make our eyelids blink at about five times a second.

4. More than half an adult person is water! For a man that’s about 40 litres enough to fill four pairs of large wellington boots.

5. The nails on the right handof a right  handed person grow faster than nails on the left hand , and vice versa.

Maths- Doubles

In maths this week we have been learning about doubles.

One of the questions we found tricky, we were to work out the seating of 4 sets of twins. We first started by using blocks to represent the twins but we soon got confused. It was then decided we would use real people to work it out. Name tags were put on the 4 sets of twins and Mrs Duncan read out the instructions and between the 8 of us we had to work together as a team and check our results, it took us about 10 minutes to reach our conclusion.

We used lots of different skills doing this such as Logical thinking , Giving reasons or explaining, Putting things in order, Thinking of ideas and Making links.