Term 3 in P7B

We have now come to the end of our rainforest topic. We learned lots about the rainforest including the many animals and tribes which live there. We were shocked to hear about the effects of deforestation and wrote persuasive reports to help stop it. We built a 3D rainforest in our classroom and did some lovely art work linked to the topic. Here are some examples:

forest 2  forest 1   art 3  art 1

In Maths we have been learning about time. We have learned how to convert time, measure time to 100th of a second, read and interpret timetables and plan journeys. We really enjoyed learning about word time, where we had to find out the time in our dream destinations! When we return after the Easter Break we will be learning how to calculate speed, distance and time.

In Health and Wellbeing we have started to learn about Drugs. We have been discussing what drugs are and risks that we find in everyday life. We know that all risk is not bad. We will go on to look at different types of drugs and how they can affect decision making.

Just before the end of term, we attended The Risk Factory in Edinburgh. We really enjoyed this trip where we got to experience lots of scenarios such as road safety, risks in the home and anti-social behaviour. It was very interesting listening to the responses of our classmates and getting advice from experts.

rf3   rf2   rf

We now move on to term 4. It promises to be a very exciting term for us with school camp, High School transition, a leavers show and graduation. Tissues at the ready!