
Latest News May 2019 – Click Here
Following the great success of the “Mad Hatter’s Tea Party” event held in the library for “World Book Day” Thursday 7th March, £230.13 was raised for Malawi.

Another event is planned to coincide with the Primary 7 pupils transition days on the 6th and 7th June, a Harry Potter celebration, when Hoots Owls will be visiting with 5 owls. It is hoped that this event will receive the same if not more support from pupils and staff.
Latest News Feb 2019 – Click Here
The school library has been a busy place since the start of the new term in January. Apart from the timetabled English classes, the library has been used as a venue for prelim exams and folio preparation for Modern Studies, History, Media Studies and English.
Now that February is upon us planning is underway for World Book Day on Thursday 7th March 2019. This year’s theme is share a story and in conjunction with the school’s Fair Trade Group a literacy café event will be the highlight of the day. Watch this space for more details.
The current book exhibition is not the usual themed style. It is in fact an apology to staff and pupils for not being the usual high standard of display that they have come to expect from the librarian.