Technical subjects are taught one period per week in first year and two periods per week in second year. The courses prepare the pupils for their option choice at the end of second year by giving them a taster of the two subjects offered by the Technical Department in third year, namely, Design & Manufacture and Graphic Communication.
In S1-S3 the pupils follow a broad general education aspiring to National 4 and 5 at the end of 4th year in both Graphic Communication and Design & Manufacture.
Pupils following the Design and Manufacture course are given the additional choice of choosing to continue with Design & Manufacture or Practical Craft Skills in 4th year.
In the senior phase pupils can undertake National 6 (higher) Graphic Communication, National 6 (higher) Product Design and Practical Craft Skills is also offered at National 4 and 5.
National 4 Design & Manufacture
National 4 Engineering Science
National 5 Design & Manufacture
National 5 Engineering Science
National 6 Design & Manufacture
National 6 Engineering Science