Dear Parent/ Carer,
I am delighted as Head Teacher of King’s Oak Primary School and Nursery Class to welcome you to our website. It is a privilege to work with our wonderful children and to have such a committed staff team.
At King’s Oak Primary, we strive to provide the highest quality learning and teaching experiences to ensure that all children achieve to their fullest potential.
We aim to help our pupils become independent learners, be creative, healthy and develop a positive attitude to life. Children and young people are at the center of our learning provision.
The School’s learning philosophy is based on our school values. Our values are:
Respect – Responsible
Resilient – Included
As key educators in your children’s lives, we believe that it is important that you feel you have a voice and that as a school we are approachable and allocate time to listen to your concerns, worries or thoughts about the school. You can be assured that we will continue to strive to create a school which provides an all-round educational experience in which everyone can flourish.
I look forward to watching your children grow in , knowledge, skills and confidence during their time at King’s Oak Primary and thank you in advance for your support. Our door is always open.
We welcome your comments and suggestions to ensure we ‘Get It Right for Every Child’.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Kirstin Glancy
Head teacher