Category Archives: Lessons

Humanities Lesson Year 3

Image taken from google

Todays lesson was my first proper lesson here at Moulsford so I was a little nervous to say the least! The boys are lovely and I am getting to know them really well as I am with this class often and the class teacher is really supportive. My lesson was on rivers, the planning is first and then official evaluation of the lesson below. The class teacher did observe me which did not worry me and they also gave me some really positive feedback. This will be included in my placement folder.

Individual Lesson Plan Format (Primary)

Class/Group: Year 3                                   Lesson: Humanities                                               Date: 28.04.17
Previous Experience

Children will have identified major capital cities in Britain, rivers and landmarks and completed a worksheet on flags and saints.

Working towards outcomes of a National Curriculum

Name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom, geographical regions and

their identifying human and physical characteristics, key topographical features

(including hills, mountains, coasts and rivers), and land-use patterns; and understand

how some of these aspects have changed over time.

Literacy/Numeracy/ICT/HWB (where appropriate):

Literacy – writing on and reading the worksheets, ICT – Looking Oxon and Berks on google earth

Learning Intentions
Success Criteria
To know where Oxon and Berks are in Britain

To know their addresses

To know where the river Thames is in Britain

I know where Oxon and Berks are in Britain

I am able to write out my address

I know where the river Thames is in Britain

Pencils, Pens/pencils, Computer, Smartboard, Worksheets, Internet, maps, humanities books, glue, projector, online timer
Assessment Methods




6 mins






15 mins



3 mins



4 mins



2 mins


6 mins






4 mins


50 mins

Setting the context/ Beginning the lesson (Introduction)


Open lesson by discussing with the children about where they live, what their home county is called and zooming in to Oxon and Berks on google maps



Teaching the learning intentions (Development)


After opener, hand out the worksheets and humanities books to the children to complete and then glue into their books. Put a timer on the board. I and teacher will help any children who do not know their addresses.


Hand out the Thames worksheets. As a class, look at the map of the major rivers of England and discuss which the children have visited or heard of.


Have the children each read out a fact about the river Thames.


Children to glue sheets into their humanities books.


Children to complete Thames missing word worksheet and any other uncompleted work from their other worksheet.



Ending the lesson (Plenary)


In the children’s jotters write down 3 stars and a wish underneath worksheets – 3 things the children understood and 1 thing they need to improve from today’s lesson





Question and Answer



Observation and Teacher Marking

Question and Answer









Teacher Marking






Teacher Marking

Success Criteria Results Next steps for the children
After questioning the children at the end of the lesson it was clear to see that the children are confident in their knowledge that they know where Oxon and Berks are in Britain. Very few of the children knew their addresses and needed a lot of help during the lesson. Child 3,5,7,8 and 9 didn’t know any of their address whilst children 6,10,11,12 and 16 knew confidently part of their address (e.g. house/street name or village) but nothing else. All other children were unable to write any part of their address and expressed this as a wish in the plenary. The children know where the river Thames is in Britain after discussions with them and looking at their plenaries. The children will continue to learn about rivers with a closer look at how they are formed and why they are important. The year group will also go on a school trip to a rivers museum.

Children 3,5,6,7,8,9,10,12 and 16 would benefit from a lot more work on learning their addresses and this could be done in language lessons when looking at letter writing.

Going well (what worked and why?)

The children overall really enjoyed the work they did on Google earth and I was able to gauge their attention throughout the whole part of this lesson. There were no behaviour issues throughout the lesson which was a definite positive for me and I believe this is due to my planning where because I knew what I was doing and when, I was keeping the lesson fast paced and snappy.

The boys also expressed the fact that they liked the plenary and they filled this out very well and I have some excellent assessments due to this.

My timing was good and I was able to start and finish at the times I had set out.

Areas for development (what didn’t work and why?)

I found that the children at one stage were finding some of the questions I was giving them too difficult and they were starting to get fidgety because they didn’t know their address and there was only 1 sheet of paper with their addresses on. In future I would possibly put all of the addresses on the smartboard to save myself going round all the boys giving them their addresses.

I am from Scotland and there for my go to knowledge is not usually about Oxon and Berks so some words I was pronouncing wrong where the teacher had to correct me. I think I would in future revise the topic more, or maybe ask the class teacher about pronunciations just to be certain.

Next Steps for Me

I will absolutely be doing two stars and a wish again after the excellent reception it got as it is a quick plenary that the children enjoyed.

Next time I will be more careful about where in the classroom I position myself, because I should have all of the children in my line of view which I didn’t at points today. Although this was not an issue today, I am very aware that in the future it could be with a different class in terms of behaviour.

The children I work with in this Year are young and therefore work better in pairs. In my next lesson I will try to incorporate more peer assessment and team work.