Category Archives: Lessons

Mathematics Lesson – Year 4 – Week 4

Image taken from google – I decided to use Mount Everest to tell a story to the boys to work out it height to make the lesson more active and get them engaged.

Today’s lesson for me was a maths lesson with Year 4. Overall, I am really pleased with how the lesson went and how much the children took away from this lesson. The children are learning about subtraction from decomposition and I chose to teach this in a way of telling a story and then doing a worksheet. I was concerned about the children not being active do also added in a short activity including the children answering the questions and getting into a line at the end. I have marked their written work which will be included in my placement folder for confidentiality purposes as well as a very positive evaluation sheet from the class teacher about my lesson.

Individual Lesson Plan Format (Primary)

Class/Group: Year 4                         Lesson: Mathematics                       Date: 27.04.17

  Previous Experience

Children have done previous work on mental and written subtraction in previous terms

  Working towards outcomes of a National Curriculum

Pupils should be taught to: subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar subtraction where appropriate

  Literacy/Numeracy/ICT/HWB (where appropriate):  
  Learning Intentions Success Criteria  
To use compact decomposition to subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers from 4 digit numbers I can use compact decomposition to subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers from 4 digit numbers  
  Resources Whiteboards, smartboard, pens, worksheets, pencils, rubbers, post it notes, question cards  
  Timing   Assessment methods  
   6 mins


5 mins


5 mins

20 mins


3 mins


20 mins

5 mins


70 mins


Setting the context/Beginning the lesson (Introduction)

Give the children a question on the board (6273-4528) and give them each a post it note and some time to answer question. Answer at the end

Teaching the learning intentions (Development)

Explain the Everest “story” using the class whiteboard to draw on.

Have the children with individual whiteboards in pair answer the question 8848-453m using compact decomposition. Write the answer on the board as the children answer the questions given.

Continue with the whiteboards for subtracting 8848-985m if the balcony was lower down. Discuss this.

Children will then do the Everest camp worksheet in pairs putting names at the top. Timer on board. Another similar worksheet available if children finish early.

Tidy up from this and get out whiteboards

Play the silent game where the children have to answer questions and get into a number line – game must be silent and they must help each other


Ending the lesson (Plenary)

Answer the question set at the start on a ‘post it’ note.  Stick on board and review – did class agree


Question and Answer

Question and Answer



Teacher Marking











Question and Answer

Success Criteria Results Next steps for the children
The children all responded well to the compact decomposition strategy with most getting all of the answers correct for each activity. Children 1, 7 and 13 were unable to complete the first activity and were allowed to continue it during the second activity. Even when getting the extra time, the same children got answers wrong, which could be down to the questions or them not being confident in using this technique. Children 1, 7 and 13 need to continue to work with the compact decomposition strategy, possibly even with easier questions of only 2/3 digits.

I am confident for all other children to move on to harder subtraction questions, possibly even with 5 digits.

Going well (what worked and why?)

The lesson overall went really well with children listening well and there were no behavioural issues. This was most likely down to the amount of activities going on in this fast paced lesson, which allowed the children to be constantly busy and active.

Most children engaged well with the story which I think is possibly down to me telling the story in a fun way, allowing the children to come up to the board and draw things on themselves.

I had planned this lesson well so knew exactly when I should do things and how to start it off. )

Areas for development (what didn’t work and why?I sent all the children to go up to get their books at once, which was a mistake as it caused a lot of chaos at the desks. I should have allowed them to go up one at a time or for one child from each table to go up to hand out the books.
Next Steps for Me

In future I will be more aware of what the children have already learned in maths lessons and the way they describe certain methods in mathematics. I will also remember to send children up one at a time or one from each table to get books etc.