Category Archives: Lessons

Science Lesson – Year 3 – Week 4

Image taken from Google – I was delighted when all the children were able to explain to me what all of these parts were in the plenary! Something went right in this lesson!

Today’s lesson was with Year 3 and I did a science experiment of sorts, with them all and some teaching about different parts of the plants and the functions of the roots. I was pleased that the lesson went well and that the children engaged with the activities and this seemed to show when I recieved some extremely positive and helpful feedback from the class teacher. The plenary worksed well, with all of the children being able to tell me the parts of the plant, so overall I feel this was an extremely successful lesson. The class teacher was on hand to help at all times and with a few areas was able to expand on what I didn’t know. I am looking forward to teaching this Year again in Maths.

Individual Lesson Plan Format (Primary)


Class/Group: Year 3N                      Lesson: Science                               Date: 28.04.16

Previous Experience

Children in the class have already worked with soil and explored different types of soil

Working towards outcomes of a National Curriculum

Pupils should be taught to identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers.

Literacy/Numeracy/ICT/HWB (where appropriate): Literacy – children will be writing out words on worksheets.
Learning Intentions Success Criteria
To know the different parts of a plant.

To know how plants grow.

To describe each stage of the growth of roots.

I know the different parts of a plant.

I know how plants grow.

I can describe each stage of the growth of roots.

Resources Smart board/Whiteboard, pencils, worksheets/instructions, glass jars, water, cotton wool, planting beans, water pot, glue, science workbooks, teacher.


Timing   Assessment methods
3 mins


5 mins


8 mins


10 mins


5 mins


12 mins


2 mins


10 mins

5 mins



60 mins


Setting the context/Beginning the lesson (Introduction)

Recap what was discussed last lesson with soil and exploring its uses.

Give each boy on the table a number. Talk about plants with the children and what parts of the plant there are.

Teaching the learning intentions (Development)

Hand out the “parts of a plant” worksheet and ask children to fill in the missing words in pairs and stick into workbooks.

Tidy up books and hand out instructions of the next activity. Children each read out a point on the instructions so they are all clear on what they have to do.

Hand out jars, beans, water, cotton wool and worksheets.

Start activity with timer on the board with myself and class teacher going round ensuring that the children are confident in what they are doing.

Tidy up leaving only jars and workbooks etc. on their tables.

Hand out worksheet 1A, glue into books and as a class read through and answer the questions. Leave the bottom blank for children to fill in over next few weeks.

Ending the lesson (Plenary)

Going around the room ask children individually to stand and answer questions about the parts of the plant. Each correct answer set of answers gets a commendation or similar? Dismiss class.


Question and Answer

Question and Answer


Teacher Marking








Teacher Marking



Question and Answer

Success Criteria Results Next steps for the children
From the plenary that I carried out with the children, I know that the children as a class are confident in naming different parts of a plant.

The children have started the first stages they need to learn, to know how plants grow. I am confident that they understand the stages of the growth of roots for this lesson, which I took from discussions with the children and also the question and answer assessment methods.

I am confident that all of the children completed the work that was set for them to a high standard and were happy knowing that they will continue to investigate their beans growing. This will be continued on Tuesday. This will be as a whole class, no children are ahead or behind.


Going well (what worked and why?)

I was able to keep the children engaged throughout because I was teaching in an enthusiastic way and also because I was keeping good time.

My knowledge of the content for the lesson was good so when the children asked questions I was able to confidently and correctly answer these.

My classroom organisation was good by using a range of resource and creating a range of activities so the children would not be bored and engage better.

Areas for development (what didn’t work and why?)

During the lesson, my pace could have been slightly quicker, although I kept good time. Had I have known the children slightly better, this could have been planned for.

Next Steps for Me

In future, I will inform the children at the beginning of the lesson what my expectations for them is because at times, the children were trying to talk over me and taking their time at gluing worksheets into their books.

I will continue to make lessons fun and engaging with a range of activities as the children responded well to this.