Category Archives: 2 Prof. Knowledge & Understanding

Placement Provider Overview

This blog post is going to be about the nature and culture of education in Moulsford Boys Prep School, Oxford-shire, England.

To start with, Moulsford is a private school, therefore independent and completely separate to the British government. On the other hand, the school follows the national curriculum up to Year 6 and thereafter from Year 6-8 the Common Entrance curriculum. The entire school is run by the Headmaster (chief role), and he is supported excellently by the staff who he has employed and the governors who help him.  Because of this I have created a small diagram of the structure around here including the curriculum’s, as the schools choose to follow them.


In terms of the curriculum, my findings of the differences between the English and private curriculum’s have been written in daily blog posts and weekly reflections. I feel there are some differences in the subjects we teach i.e. private schools in England teach classics and Scottish state schools don’t, but the way we teach and the techniques used are all the the same. The roles of the staff in private schools are the same as in state schools in Scotland, with the added additions of bursars, groundsmen, matrons and boarding staff. The other roles are basically the same as each position would be in a Scottish School.

There following list are of the many stakeholders to Moulsford. There will be many more stakeholders to Moulsford, however, I feel that this list includes the vast majority of the main stakeholders I have been in contact with. The stakeholders in Moulsford that I will spent most of my time at are:

  • School staff (Learning support, matron, kitchen, office, bursor, groundsmen, gap year students etc)
  • Boarding Staff
  • Visiting Staff (i.e. music and sport staff)
  • Pupils
  • Pupil’s Parents
  • Management i.e. Headmaster, deputies, heads of departments
  • Local community – business and residents of Moulsford, many of which are staff at the school
  • Wider community on school trips
  • Governors (Trustees of the Moulsford Preparatory School Trust – assist the School in its management, operations and development.)
  • Private education schools i.e. at sports matches and when other staff from these schools visit
  • National Government and Common Entrance – Curriculum’s