
I feel that by reading other people’s posts, I develop my understanding of a topic. I am instantly engaged when other people write about their own experiences, particularly when I can relate my own experiences to them. One of my favourite posts is “5,6,7….Dance” (Duncan, 2016) due to having a dance background myself.

Before doing the dance input and reading Lauren’s post, I was less aware of the impact that dance can have on a child’s learning as dance was just something I did because I enjoyed it. Now I am able to relate back to the skills which I have developed due to dance and how they helped me at school. Dancing isn’t just about learning technique. You learn so much more, you gain confidence, teamwork skills, co-ordination and so much more. You learn how to observe your teacher which helps you do the same in class. You become aware of the smallest details which has a massive impact in dance which makes you do the same in classrooms. You look for small details which will help you achieve. Criticism is something which you receive regularly in dancing and it helps you in school. You understand the meaning of criticism, you are only given criticism so that you can improve.

Through reading other people’s work, I am able to think about what they are saying and convey my view. Many posts I agree on their view but sometimes I do not. If I have an opposing view, reading the post allows me to understand the person’s view and sometimes allows me to challenge my own opinion. Reading other people’s post, encourages me to further develop the view they made. If that have made reference to a book or an article, I find myself searching for that article and reading it myself. It also helps me to view a topic from another perspective. If I haven’t completely understood something in a lecture, reading other people’s posts can help with my learning.


Duncan, L. (2016) 5,6,7….Dance Available at: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/glowblogs/laurenseportfolio/2016/01/19/5-6-7-dance/ (accessed on 22/01/16)

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