Category Archives: 2.2 Education Systems & Prof. Responsibilities

Our Understanding of Scientific Literacy.

Following our last science input Lauren Summers, Amy Turner, Sarah Stewart and myself have been working collaboratively to produce a piece of writing that reflects our understanding of Scientific Literacy. This exercise helped to increase our understanding of this concept and gave us an opportunity to work with fellow students who we may not have had much interaction with previously. It is important as we grow and develop as professionals that we take on board the opinions of others and build our confidence working in groups like this. We each took responsibility for a different section of the paper:

Lauren Summers: Section 1- What is Scientific Literacy?

Amy Turner: Section 2- An example of inaccurate media reporting.

Sarah Stewart: Section 3- Fair testing.

Hannah Stillwell: Proof Reading and Referencing.

Scientific Literacy.

Scientific literacy is the theory of scientific approaches and developments which uses written, numerical and digital literacy in order to help people gain a better understanding of science. It has begun to be viewed as the primary goal of school science and can be described as ‘what the general public ought to know about science’ (Durant, 1993, p.129).

Jenkins (1994) talks about ‘Scientific Literacy’ as implying ‘an appreciation of the nature, aims and general limitations of science, coupled with some understanding of the more important scientific ideas” (p.5345). Through using scientific literacy people are now being able to question, discover and calculate the answers to queries that have come about as a result of people’s interest in everyday experiences.

‘A scientifically literate student is able to apply their knowledge of scientific concepts and processes to the evaluation of issues and problems that may arise and to the decisions that they make in their daily life, about the natural world and changes made to it through human activity’ (NSW Department of Education and Communities, 2011)

There have been many different news articles that have incorrectly reported ‘discoveries in scientific research’. One of the most recent examples is of a ‘new planet’ that was supposedly discovered in our solar system.

Amanda Watts (2016) reported that ‘Researchers at the California Institute of Technology have found evidence in the outer solar system of an object that could be a real ninth planet.’ This article strongly implied that a new planet had been discovered arousing much excitement in the scientific community.

A reporter for the Daily Mirror, Jasper Hamill (2016), then refuted this claim by quoting NASA’s director of planetary science, Jim Green, as having said that although this was ‘the start of a process that could lead to an exciting result it is not, however, the detection of a new planet.’

This goes to show that what we read in the media may not always be firmly backed up by scientific research. This once again highlights the importance of one’s own scientific literacy in being able to compare sources and not just belief the incorrectly reported scientific discoveries that the media portray as being fact.

As previously mentioned, scientific literacy is when an individual has the capacity to use their own scientific knowledge to identify queries which arise in everyday life and to relate these to their own experiences allowing them to come to a sound conclusion.

A fair test is when an experiment is carried out in a controlled manner with each variable being strictly monitored.  Within a fair test only one variable must change whilst everything else about the experiment stays the same.  In order to know which variable must change and which variables must be constant one requires a level of scientific literacy.

To know how and why the variables must be kept the same also requires a person to be scientifically literate as they must understand the theory behind the experiment.

Scientific literacy also allows an individual to form a hypothesis for their experiment by drawing on their own experience and by researching and problem solving for themselves.


Dunne, M. and Peacock, A. (2011) Primary Science: A guide to Teaching Practice. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications.

Durant, J.R, 1993. ‘What is Scientific Literacy?’  Science and culture in Europe, Edited by: Durant, J.R and Gregory, J. 129-137. London: Science Museum.

Hamill, Jasper. (2016) NASA speaks out about ‘Planet 9’ discovery – and it’s bad news for everyone. Available at: (Accessed: 1/2/2016).

Jenekins, E.W. 1994. ‘Scientific Literacy.’ The International Encyclopaedia of Education, 2nd ed. Edited by: Hunsen, T. and Postlethwaite, T.N. Vol.9, 5345-5350. London: Pergamon.

National Science and Education Standards (1996) Scientific Literacy. Available at: (Accessed on: 11/02/2016)

NSW Department of Education and Communities. (2011) What is Scientific Literacy? Available at: (Accessed on: 11/02/2016)

Science Buddies (2016) Variables for Beginners. Available at: (Accessed on: 11/02/2016)

Watts, Amanda. (2016) Ninth planet may have been discovered, researchers say. Available at: (Accessed: 1/2/2016).

Lights, Camera, Action!

After I overcame my initial trepidation I found my first drama workshop to be fun and informative. Nikki Doig opened my eyes to the many ways in which drama can be utilized to enhance learning across all areas of the curriculum as well as showcasing the importance of learning drama itself.

The part of the input that really stuck with me was when Nikki asked half of us to create a Tableaux, a group still image which is built up individually each person reacting to the actions of the others to create a frozen scene that tells an intricate story. The theme for our Tableaux, as chosen by Nikki, was a World War 2 scene depicting the evacuees being seen off by their families. I found this to be quite moving as the emotions captured within the image were really brought to life through ‘thought tracking’. Thought tracking is used to allow participants within a Tableaux, and other drama techniques, to voice what they think their character would be thinking or feeling at that point in time. Hearing the responses of other participants as Nikki tapped them on the shoulder left me feeling quite somber and I realised just how powerful these techniques could be in helping children to empathise. file6251251825692

If these techniques are utilized effectively they could enhance learning in subjects such as history, language, geography…the list goes on. Allowing children to use their knowledge to act out a scene in history or a fairytale they’ve read or events in far off lands gives them an opportunity to think more deeply about what they have learned, to think about how they would feel in these positions or in these places.

In order to facilitate effective learning like this as a teacher I need to establish drama ground rules with my class. This can be referred to as a drama contract and sets out what is expected of the children from the time they enter the lesson to when they leave. After watching the video Nikki sent us I have seen just how key the element of structure is to effective drama lessons. Within the clip they talk about the ‘Three C’s’ that they use with children to keep control. These stand for:

  • Communication
  • Cooperation
  • Concentration

They discuss the idea that if a drama lesson breaks down it usually relates back to one of these three key issues. The rules I would set out for my class would be something like this:

  • We sit quietly in our circle to start and end.
  • We wear our gym kit so we can move freely.
  • We listen carefully to instructions.
  • We include everyone file00025399010

The use of a circle in drama can add structure by being the start and end position as well as the shape you adopt whenever you gather for instruction throughout the lesson. Children will learn quickly that if they aren’t cooperative in the starting circle that the lesson wont go any further. Listening to instruction is key to drama and is what keeps it from descending into free for all chaos. It is important to establish these expectations with the children from the start so that quality learning can take place.

National Testing and Sweeping Statements.

After Scotland rid itself of National Testing in 2003 in an attempt to move away from testing and back to teaching Nicola Sturgeon seems to have brought us right back to where we started. Aside from the issues I have with the reintroduction of national testing on the grounds of the stress it causes children and the workload it causes teachers, my main qualm is with Sturgeon’s sweeping statement that “The information will allow us over the next few years to set clear, specific and meaningful milestones on the road to closing the attainment gap.”file000978694068

It is my view that this gap in attainment cannot be fixed solely on an Educational level. It is time that the government stopped burying their heads in the sand and blaming teachers for these levels of inequality. In 1955 Halsey conducted a study that linked the educational underachievement of ‘working class’ people to poverty.  Goodman and Burton took this further by conducting a study that found the gaps in attainment began to widen from the age of seven. Both of these studies highlight the influence of factors outwith education on the levels of achievement of children.IMG_6806

This shows that by the time children become school age they have already been heavily influenced by factors from home that will have a detrimental effect on their levels of attainment. This is why I feel the government could be spending their money more wisely by continuing to fund the running of Nurseries that specialise in referrals for children under 3 who will benefit from time away from detrimental home environments.

Children need to be given these chances early on in life if we stand any chance of ensuring they lead happy and successful lives within which they achieve their full potential.

Dance- Lesson plan.

Following our one and only dance input of MA1 I have decided to try planning my own dance lesson. The lesson I have planned is for a P5 class and the stimulus for the lesson is the seasons.

315964861384The different seasons conjure up different emotions, different associations etc. and I thought it would be interesting to explore these through dance.

Prior to the lesson which I have planned the children would have had 2 lessons focusing on the different types of movement and expression within dance, meeting the outcome EXA2-08a, as well as a class discussion on the stimulus of ‘Seasons’.

001 The lesson itself would meet the outcome:

‘Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express my ideas, thoughts and feelings through creative work in dance.’ EXA2-09a.

The learning intention would be: To create a group dance/movement piece which is inspired by the seasons.

The success criteria:

  • To work effectively as part of a team listening to each others ideas of the thoughts and feelings which relate to ‘seasons’.
  • To contribute to your teams efforts by effectively expressing the thoughts and feelings discussed through dance, drawing on those used in previous lessons if needed.
  • To be able to rehearse a completed dance/movement piece as a team.


The overall lesson would last for around 1hr 15 minutes. ( A breakdown of my timings can be seen on the above image.)

I feel it would be important to have a consolidation lesson soon after the initial lesson allowing the children to perfect their routines and perhaps to include an element of performance working towards the outcome:

I have experienced the energy and excitement of presenting/performing for audiences and being part of an audience for other people’s presentations/performances.

EXA 0-01a / EXA 1-01a / EXA 2-01a

Drawing on one of the examples given by Nikki Doig within the dance input the children could be split in half with half of them being the audience and half performing. This removes some of the apprehension for the children of performing in front of their peers.


The input with Nikki highlighted some of my own apprehension over teaching dance. During my school career my only real connection with dance was mandatory social dancing at the end of each year. Since then I have found a love for exercise classes with a dance element such as Zumba but after an unfortunate accident I now suffer with an ankle injury which considerably restricts the things I am able to take part in.

During our dance input I went through mixed emotions feeling completely useless due to my injury and quite out of place. What this highlighted for me was the mixed emotions I will be faced with when I come to teach dance to my pupils. It is important then that I can demonstrate enthusiasm to my pupils regardless of my own hesitation and show them that despite any reservations they are having they can still have fun and take part.

A next step for me is to look into ways I can demonstrate movements of dance to my children even with my injury.