Active and Co-operative Learning

Active learning is a contemporary and efficient way of learning. It allows for pupils to be more engaged and involved in their studies, offering them to discuss topics with their peers in both the classroom and through use of online connectivity. One of the many benefits from this method of learning is that pupils are more engaged in what they are learning as it is more motivating to be active than passive. Furthermore I believe it is easier to consolidate a child’s learning through active learning as they are taking their learning into their own hands. In addition active learning presents the child with an early sense of responsibility.

Cooperative learning is also an effective method for children to learn. Cooperative learning allows for pupils to engage with their peers in a group work styled task. This allows children to work towards a common goal shared by their peers as they provide eachother with mutal assistance. This enables children to create bonds and relationships with their peers which is vital. As well as being a fun method of learning it can furthermore help children feel more comfortable with others in their class. Children will in turn develop important communication and teamwork skills which they can apply to life on a daily basis. Finally co-operative learning also allows for children to respect the opinions of others in regards to solving problems. This collective of ideas allows the pupils to learn from one another and make tasks easier as the children work together to tackle what is assigned.

Overall I feel that both active and co-operative learning allow children to learn in new and diverse ways that will both inhance their school experience and provide them with life skills that can be applied in later life. Active learning teaches pupils to take responsibility for their own learning and hence provides them with a sense of responsibility at a young age. In addition to this, co-operative learning allows children to gain teamwork skills and effectively provides them with the opportunity to work together to solve a problem, a skill of great importance in most modern workplaces. We learn in order to prepare ourselves for life and the world of work. These methods of learning are excellent ways in which primarily school pupils can get an early flavour for skills they will be able to apply and use in their more mature lives.

One thought on “Active and Co-operative Learning

  1. I agree with everytthing you’ve said – its great to see you considering the benefits of different learning and teaching approaches. What is even more interesting is to consider some of the problems or limitations…. What happens when they don’t work? What happens to the child who works best on their own with a text book? OK, I’m playing devils advocate but only to make you think 🙂


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