Update 2

Better later than never. 

Thankfully before the recent act of God, I had gathered some initial data.

For each of the new methods, I had been giving pre and post-test. Most of these tests are set at level 1/2 Cfe level. Each pre-test was given at the start of a topic and each post-test was given + 3 weeks from the end of the teaching period, this was to distinguish between learning and performance ( was this learning in their short term of long term memory). This has its disadvantages in terms of reteaching areas of weakness but since I operate a strand curriculum with this course I believed the this was correct balance.

Subtraction Test Pre-Test Cfe Level 1/2


Subtraction Post-Test Cfe Level 1/2

These initial results show some positive benefit of the new subtraction method taught but the students are still not at a level I would consider fluency. Some reteaching will be required.

I still have some doubts in terms of subtraction using this method and decimals. I will share some of further data and reflections on future blogs.

6 thoughts on “Update 2”

  1. Hey Barry,

    Looking great- I’m always fascinated (and slightly terrified) by enquirers who are confident with quantitative data- I am more of a qualitative gal usually.

    When you say, “For each of the new methods, I had been giving pre and post-test” for the purposes of the poster I’m thinking it would be useful to ensure you give a breakdown of the different methods you tried so that viewers can correlate the data to the method easily.

    Also remember you can include graphs/tables in your poster too so this will add to the narrative of the enquiry 🙂

  2. Yeah, that’s a good idea. A picture says a thousand words and all that. I would like a bit of qualitative data as well but that will be harder with the shutdown as many of parents I would like to survey are very hard to engage through an online platform, usually do a phone survey with parents in this category but not permitted at home for understandable reasons.
    thanks for your comments.

  3. Hi

    I think your indepth approach to tracking this is amazing!

    It is also en-lighting to see that you are considering different methods and stating that your new approach might not be the best one, its all trial and error in teaching isn’t it!

    How are you finding continuing to teach different methods now online?

    Hope you are well!

    1. thanks, yeah its harder doing anything online, I’m using teams to teach live lessons about half the time but the numbers turning up to the lessons struggle to get to 50%. What’s it like at your place in terms of online attendance?

  4. Hi Barry,
    This is such a detailed thoughtful post, interesting to read!
    It must be encouraging to see that the methods that your are exploring are having some positive impact. 😊 What I like most about this post though is that you are questioning yourself and what you are doing at each stage and considering how you can stay flexible if things did need to change. We’re all just explorers really aren’t we?! Exciting too that you have future areas to investigate with decimals etc.

    1. Thanks, Katie. Yeah, I suppose the real goal is for us to keep reflecting on our practice with other projects going forward. Having the group to chat to really help in that regard. Hope you are keeping well.

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