Keep Scotland Beautiful: Applying for Your Green Flag Award
Applying for Your Green Flag Award: Delivered as a series of four twilight sessions 16:00-17:00. Attend all four. Session 1: Welcome to Eco-Schools – An introduction to the Eco-Schools Scotland programme and how to apply for a Green Flag Award using the online portal. (What is Eco-Schools?). – 27 Aug 2024 Session 2: Environmental Review, Action Plan & Measuring How to put together your Action Plan, looking at the importance of your aims
Keep Scotland Beautiful: Eco-Schools & Your School Improvement Plan
If Learning for Sustainability is part of your School Improvement Plan, this session discusses how Eco-Schools can help. 8 May 2025 twilight starting at 16:00. Event information Booking link Partner website Contact email
Education Scotland: Educator webinar – Planning your cyber resilience and internet safety learning
Looking for practical guidance on planning learning for Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety (Technologies Es and Os) in your school? This training is based on the Education Scotland Cyber Resilience Toolkit which provides clear and concise examples of potential cyber risks, digital skills to manage these risks and guidance on how to report harm. Attendees will: Cover the knowledge and skills required for cyber resilience in the Toolkit Examine the
Barefoot Computing: Scratch workshops
This workshop provides the perfect introduction to programming in the Scratch environment through a series of code reading and writing activities (all with a camel theme!). It highlights the application of computational thinking skills in programming and introduces the concepts of sequence, repetition and selection through a series of interactive activities. Event information Booking link Partner website Contact email: Programming Workshop – Introduction to Scratch – OPEN TO ALL