Case Studies

Scottish Borders Makedo and Engineering

An initial survey showed that a significant number of practitioners did not feel confident in the teaching of the STEM subjects, especially engineering. Alison decided to focus on increasing confidence in engineering. She used funding from RAiSE to purchase eight ‘Invent’ Makedo kits, which provides a class set of Makedo tools and screws. She offered schools an ‘Engineering and Makedo’ CLPL session after which they could borrow an ‘Invent kit’ for several weeks. These sessions would showcase the engineering design process and how it could be taught across the curriculum using Makedo kits.

East Renfrewshire Young STEM Leader programme approach

The intention of this project was to enhance the STEM Capital of learners in St Marks Primary, Barrhead, East Renfrewshire by providing them with the opportunity to develop leadership skills through STEM and improve their confidence, knowledge and understanding of STEM subjects. In addition to enabling Young STEM Leaders to cultivate essential leadership, communication, and employability skills, pursuing the YSLP award also inspires learners to advance their STEM education and potentially encourage and motivate them to consider pursuing a STEM career in the future. This case study explores the approach of the setting.

East Renfrewshire Creating Excellent Engineers

In order to provide opportunities to increase practitioner confidence when teaching engineering, the PSDO encouraged and supported schools in engaging with the Glasgow Science Festival’s 2024 ‘Creating Engineers Challenge’ as an effective means of engaging and motivating learners, while upskilling and building the capacity and confidence of practitioners. The PSDO supported a cluster based approach to the challenge and sourced resources that had previously been seen as a barrier to participation.

Inverclyde STEM Festival

This initiative sought to bring together schools, local organisations and industry experts to provide hands-on experiences and showcase the diverse opportunities within STEM fields. The collaborative effort aimed to not only enhance educational outcomes but to build a stronger, more innovative future for Inverclyde. This event brought together primary and secondary schools, Inverclyde libraries, Morton in the Community, STEM Ambassadors from both local and national companies and the Glasgow Science Centre.

East Dunbartonshire Creative Coding through Sphero Indi

In order to provide opportunities to increase practitioner confidence when teaching technologies and digital skills, the PSDO delivered professional learning to practitioners in the use of Sphero Indi through modelling sessions with learners; one-to-one/small group practitioner sessions or a whole- staff training session.

East Dunbartonshire STEM on a Budget

Budgetary constraints can often pose a significant challenge when trying to ensure practitioners working with children and young people are equipped with the knowledge, resources and skills to deliver engaging and effective teaching and learning in STEM. This short case study shares information about low- to no-cost STEM resources, exploring various materials readily available to teaching practitioners. 

Scottish Borders Partnership Working with Edinburgh University

In partnership with the Chemistry Outreach team from the University of Edinburgh and with funding from the Royal Society of Chemistry Empowerment fund, two in-person STEM/science workshops for practitioners were organised creating opportunities for practitioners to increase
their scientific knowledge and understanding through professional dialogue.

East Ayrshire Enhancing STEM Education

This case study explores the collaborative efforts between Patna Primary and East Ayrshire’s Primary STEM Development Officers to enhance STEM education, focusing on developing staff confidence and improving learner engagement through targeted lesson plans on electricity.

Midlothian Which fruit has the most DNA?

A partnership with the Wellcome Centre Cell Biology at Edinburgh University to apply for funding from The Royal Society Partnership Grant to fund DNA workshops and resources, resulted in 3 schools participating in 3 workshops each to answer the research question: “Which fruit has the most DNA?” to enhance pupils’ understanding of biological concepts.

Scottish Borders STEM Workshops for Practitioners

These team teaching workshops were designed to raise confidence in STEM teaching; to show that STEM activities can be used to enhance all areas of the curriculum and create engaging relevant learning experiences. It also showcased that STEM subjects can be taught with cheap, everyday resources such as cardboard, paper and paperclips!

East Ayrshire Digital Learning Library

A professional development session designed to showcase an existing Digital Learning Library. This involved not only showing what was available but to help practitioners see how the variety of materials on offer could be used in the classroom and incorporated into lessons. This was an opportunity to directly engage with practitioners and demonstrate the library’s functionality in a hands on setting.

Argyll and Bute STEMgineers

A programme of work designed to develop both practitioner confidence in exploring engineering with pupils and also develop pupil understanding of engineering principles.

East Ayrshire Let’s Do Science

The transition from primary to secondary school marks a significant leap in the complexity of scientific concepts and practical work. This case study will be of interest to those who are looking to embed the use of science apparatus into their curriculum.

East Dunbartonshire Makedo Tools for Engineering

Makedo can transform classrooms into workshops of wonder; fostering a love of learning that can have a long-lasting impact on learners. This case study will be of interest to practitioners and settings interested in creative ways of developing their technologies and engineering practices through the use of Makedo from the age of 4 years old.

Argyll and Bute Developing Pupil Leadership in STEM

Read how an Argyll and Bute school and the Primary Science Development Officer, used the Primary Science Teaching Trust approach to developing pupil leadership, science and technology skills of P7 pupils through a STEM in Motion theme.

Midlothian – The Rescuers Engineering Design Competition

Listen as Primary Science Development Officer Donna Hanley explains and explores the impact of creating an engineering design competition created to ignite a passion for STEM in pupils and where they would learn about the engineering design process and engineering habits of mind.

Midlothian Schools STEMFEST

An overview of Midlothian Schools STEMFEST where over 2000 pupils had the opportunity to engage with STEM stakeholders in exciting workshops. This case study will be useful for anyone interested in designing and implementing a STEM or science festival in their local authority.

Aberdeenshire Engineering Case Study.pdf

Aberdeenshire teachers have shared that incorporating STEM into a crowded curriculum could be challenging. There have also been requests for support focussed on engineering skills. The PSDO developed lessons aligned with the Engineering Design Process for two small, multi-class rural primary schools which related to a topic they were covering in school to address these needs.

Family Engagement through STEM Case Study ERC Caroline Collins.mp4

Overview of STEM family learning approach in order to increase awareness and confidence of parents and carers to support their children in STEM learning.