Creating eBooks

As part of today’s lesson we explored how to create eBooks on the iPad. In pairs we chose a book, in this case ours was The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl, and were asked to write a summary of the book using the tools on the book creator app.

To create the eBook:

  • Click onto the app and select “New Book” at the top left corner
  • You are then given the option of a portrait, square or landscape book shape
  • Once you have picked your book shape you can the begin creating your book
  • Click the plus sign at the top right hand side of the page where you will have the options to insert the following:
  • Photos
  • Camera
  • Pen
  • Add text
  • Add sound
  • Click the i icon at the top right hand corner of the page to edit the following:
  • Page colour
  • Sound track
  • Show guides
  • Snap to guides
  • Snap Grid

I felt this activity would be suitable to achieve the following outcomes:

Literacy – Tools for Writing LIT 2-24a – I consider the impact that layout and presentation will have and can combine lettering, graphics and other features to engage my reader.

Technology – ICT to Enhance learning TCH 1-04b / TCH 2-04b – I can create, capture and manipulate sounds, text and images to communicate experiences, ideas and information in creative and engaging ways.

Education Secretary Mr Mike Russell stated “The range of mobile devices that are now available and the promise of what they can bring to teaching and learning is very exciting and something that must be embraced.” Following this point the Scottish Government has shown in an executive summary a strong interest in enhancing teaching and learning through the use of digital technology across all parts of Curriculum for Excellence; to such an extent that it was decided in 2016 that the technologies area of Curriculum for Excellence was refreshed so that there was a new focus on digital skills and strengthening of references to digital technology and skills in professional standards .Thus it is believed by the Scottish Government that these actions and expectations will form the foundations that will enable all of Scotland’s learners, educators and parents to take advantage of the opportunities offered by digital technology in order to raise attainment, ambition and opportunities for all. Therefore I feel as a teacher I will use eBooks within my class especially in literacy activities because rather than just ask the children to write a story, by getting them to create an eBook will allow them to explore features such as: layout, lettering, graphics, presentation and audio. As a result of this I feel by using these digital tools, children can become more creative and innovative learners.