Week beginning 08.05.23

Acorn Room

The children were observed exploring the cars outside. The children were able to copy a few words and actions to the wheels on the car. This extended to the children mark making with the cars. R.B identified he made a “blue” mark. N.B was able to identify the shapes they drove to “circle”, “triangle”, “square”. A.T showed an interest in the “fire engine “. The children then chose a puzzle to sort. We spoke about people who help us.

STEM room

We have been discovering sound waves in the STEM area. The children have been using glass milk bottles filled with colourful water each filled to different volumes. The children have been investigating what sound each bottle makes when they tap it with a metal spoon, discovering higher and lower pitches. We also found out we had made a xylophone when all the bottles were joined together, making some lovely high to low and low to high notes.

Next we took part in the dancing rice experiment where we made rice move by the vibrations from the sound waves alone! Afterwards the children designed and made 10 sensory sound bottles which will be kept in the STEM room to be played with.

Courtyard – Construction

With the theme of castles still on everyone’s mind from last weekend’s celebrations, the children have built some amazing one’s for themselves! This one pictured was definitely a highlight with a “throne room”, “a queens bed”, and even a “slide to the royal garden”. 🏰 Working together and discussing ideas were key learning concepts of this experience, as well as, using their imagination! I’m so impressed with how well and complex the structures are becoming in the construction area! As usual, amazing job everyone!

Courtyard – Gross motor area

This week in the gross motor area the children have been enjoying hopping, balancing and jumping through different activities. They had shown an interest in hopscotch and using a bean bag to miss out numbers, the children also learned using you arms helps you to balance. The children had enjoyed risk assessing for themselves and understanding that they can ask for help if struggling.

Home Corner

We have started looking at different lifecycles in the story corner. The children have been using their handprints to make different bugs such as ladybirds and bees.

We also took another trip to the library where we found some lovely books about the lifecycles of different bugs. The children learned about road safety and how to keep safe when out and about.

Fine motor area

We have been learning about the Coronation 👑 of King Charles. We talked about what he would be wearing and the children have been designing fabulous crowns with jewels using their fine motor skills. 👑👑

The children have also been using their imagination and writing  skills to make a shopping list for all the things we would need for a Coronation party 🇬🇧 🎉. There were some fantastic ideas including balloons, crowns, bunting, crisps, juice, hot chocolate and lots and lots of dancing 💃 🕺

Have a lovely weekend


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