Week beginning 15.07.24

Outdoor Week

This week the children took part in numerous outdoor activities and the rain did not stop us! ☔️

On Tuesday we took part in different camping and den building experiences. Indoors we built dens for the animals using loose parts in the small world area. Outdoors we used tarp and rope to make dens in the trees. The dens kept us sheltered from the rain!

On Wednesday we had a water slide and water fight in the garden. The children enjoyed sliding down and soaking their friends and staff with water pistoles

On Thursday the children had lots of different experiences relating to a teddy bears picnic. We sat in the courtyard and had an all together ‘teddy bear’ snack with our favourite teddies. Indoors we made our own teddy faces using rice crackers and chocolate. We created our own design of teddy bears using pens and pencils. The children were very creative


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