Category Archives: 3.2 Classroom Organisation & Management

Classroom Organisation and Management

I was given the task to design a classroom layout for a class of 28 pupils; 23 boys and 5 girls. This is the classroom layout I designed;


I would really like to have a smart board and a white board so that demonstrations can take place in different areas of the classroom. I have heard of many schools bringing in iPads or tablets for their pupils and I think this is a great idea! This fits in with the GTCS SFR: 2.1.4 Have knowledge and understanding of contexts for learning to fulfil their responsibilities in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and interdisciplinary learning and 3.1.3 Employ a range of teaching strategies and resources to meet the needs and abilities of learners . By using the tablets, lessons can be even more interactive and may make the pupils feel more relaxed and comfortable if it reminds them of the experiences they have at home.   I think it is important to have quite a lot of the desks facing the Smart Board as this is probably one of the most used classroom resources and so saves the children craning their necks. Beside the Smart Board there is a list of classroom rules, therefore, whilst the children are looking at the front they can be reminded of what is expected of them. At the start of the school year the class could discuss/suggest this list of rules and this list being beside the Smart Board means that I can easily point to it to remind the pupils of the rules we agreed on. This comes under the GTCS SFR: 3.2.2 Develop positive relationships and positive behaviour strategies and 3.1.5 Work effectively in partnership in order to promote learning and wellbeing.

I have arranged the tables so that the pupils will hopefully have a good view of both the White board and the Smart Board. I think that the ‘L’ shape of the tables will enable the teacher to move around smoothly and be able to reach any child easily who may need help etc.

I placed the teacher’s desk at the side near the back so that I have a good view of all the pupils in the classroom .Beside the teacher’s desk is a white board because I know that they are a common feature in classrooms and I think that they are practically very handy. They can be used, for example, to remind one group of the work they should be doing whilst the other board is used. I also placed the desk in between the Interactive Learning Zone and the Quiet Zone so that I can easily keep an eye on these areas and make sure that they are being used properly.

There is a Quiet Zone at the front right of the class. This is an area where children can come to ‘cool down’, have a ‘time out’ or do some silent reading. It could also be used to gather a smaller group in the class to teach. This comes under the GTCS SFR:3.2.1 Create a safe, caring and purposeful learning environment.  It is opposite the Interactive Learning Zone at the back of the classroom. Since the majority of the class are boys, I thought that it was important to have an area where they could come and do some practical, hands-on learning. This area will be filled with different resources, such as building blocks, number games and  a range of other tasks. This fits in with the GTCS SFR: 3.1.3 Employ a range of teaching strategies and resources to meet the needs and abilities of learners .

There is also a ‘finished work tasks’ board for pupils to give them options other than just silent reading/ Interactive Learning Zone when they are finished their work. This will contain tasks such as quiz questions, poster ideas and crosswords etc. which the pupils can complete at their desks. This will  prevent the Interactive Learning Zone and the Quiet Zone from becoming too overcrowded.  All three areas are placed very far apart to prevent overcrowding. This comes under the GTCS SFR: 3.2.1 Create a safe, caring and purposeful learning environment.

I also want to have a ‘compliment board’ in my classroom. I think it is important to create a positive atmosphere and  a classroom environment where children know that they are accepted for who they are. If they have confidence in themselves, then mkorsakov_-__this will hopefully influence their motivation to learn and to work hard. Also, in today’s society , there is a pressure among males in particular to keep  their feelings bottled up and to not show any emotion. There is a pressure among both genders to look and act a certain way. By creating this safe environment, I hope that it will encourage the pupils to be trusting and open to sharing if anything is bothering them. This also fits in with the GTCS SFR: 3.2.1 Create a safe, caring and purposeful learning environment.

Around the walls I will have examples of all of the pupils’ work to show them that they should be proud and to really make it feel like it is ‘their’ place. There will be a welcome board containing some information about each pupil (which they will write them selves). This is so that visitors can find out more about the class and so that each pupil knows that they are an important member of the class. I will have an achievements wall which will be updated regularly. There will also be an information board near the door containing, for example, registration notices and lunch menus. This is so that pupils can check it as they come in and so that they are reminded that they are in a classroom and so they are reminded of what is expected of them.