Active learning and co-operative working

The Oxford English Dictionary defines active learning as, ” an educational approach in which students are encouraged to engage with the material to be studied through activities, such as experimentation, group discussion, and role-play.

One of the benefits I find from active learning is that I am more engaged with what I am doing. Instead of just copying out a topic and not really thinking about what I am writing, I am constantly asking questions, creating links between topics and properly reflecting on what has been taught. This helps me to reinforce my memory of that topic and enabled me to spot if there is anything I don’t understand. Group work and discussions have many advantages, as I will explain later. I hope that when I become a teacher I can encourage my pupils to engage with their learning and to enjoy it.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines co-operative working as, “Involving mutual assistance in working towards a common goal.”

There are so many advantages to working co-operatively with others. In university, having group discussions can help you to figure out topics you may not have understood before; sometimes simply hearing something explained from another person’s point of view is all we need for it to ‘click’ in our brains. Engaging in group projects is important as you will develop teamwork and maybe even leadership skills. These skills are very useful in teaching, as you will need to work co-operatively with other members of staff. Group projects can also develop your communication skills, creativity and motivation to complete the task.


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