Category Archives: 3.4 Prof. Reflection & Commitment

Practitioner Enquiry

Menter et al (2011) defined Practitioner Enquiry as being a ‘finding out’ or investigation with a rationale and approach that can be explained or defended. It is usually undertaken in collaboration with others, for teachers this will most commonly be with other teachers in the same school.

The group of teachers will share a common research question and they will then investigate it in different and unique ways. Through doing this and sharing their experiences, they will enhance their knowledge. In order to have an impact on their practice, and ultimately their pupil’s experiences, they must evaluate their practice and then reflect upon it. This should eventually lead to the teacher having a better understanding of their practice and, through working collaboratively with others, they will find ways in which to improve it.

For teachers, being an enquiring practitioner is about developing knowledge, skills and understanding that is required in order to become the kind of teacher that is able to question, challenge and have a deep understanding of teaching and learning.

An enquiring professional is:

  • Adaptive
  • Open to change
  • Engages critically with their context and practice

Enquiry is about knowing deeply. This is knowing what, knowing why and knowing how. Teachers involved in enquiry will become critically informed, this will lead to transformative learning.

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Practitioner enquiry has many benefits and challenges.


Practitioner Enquiry empowers teachers and encourages them to challenge and transform education.


It provides a way for teachers to monitor and develop their own practice


Teachers will begin investigating new strategies and initiatives


It will increase their knowledge of teaching and learning. Therefore enabling them to make judgements that are more professional.


It will enhance the teacher’s self-esteem and their professional identity.
Enable teachers collaboratively to enhance the curriculum.

However being an enquiring practitioner can have challenges. As it involves lots of collaborative working amongst teachers, they may find that they have opposing views which, in time, could cause friction amongst the group. This could turn into disagreements and end up not benefitting or having any positive impacts on their classes.


As a student teacher, practitioner enquiry is hugely beneficial. It will allow me to discover and adopt professional opinions while also questioning them in order to increase my knowledge. When on placement, and when qualified, I will be able to build on these existing skills and knowledge in order to better practice.

Online Unit 1: Section A, Activity 2

Recognition Reflection Action
Skills already developed How I will use these How do I know (evidence)**
Self-discipline When avoiding distractions in order to achieve personal goals, set prior. 




When I am completing a task, or studying, I do not act on impulse. I set a goal at the start of my work and ensure that I meet it. For example, when I have been completing TDTs, I give myself a set time (eg 3 days) to complete them. I have realised that I work more effectively when I set a task to complete and a time period in which it must be completed.
Set Personal Goals I (will) use this skill in order to monitor my progress (and assure I am on track) when there is something I have to achieve (e.g. Assignments, reading) An example of when I set a personal goal was when I was completing a TDT. The task was to read a chapter of a book. I noted that the chapter had 20 different sections to it, I then set a goal that I would read and evaluate 4 sections every night, over the course of 5 days. This worked well for me as it allowed me to fully concentrate on a section at a time, without rushing through it.
Team Work I will use this skill throughout my career as a teacher. It is vital for teachers to work well with each other (e.g. to share ideas and strategies) I know that I have well developed team working skills as I often work in teams effectively. When in school and college I always enjoyed working in teams and was able to negotiate and reach compromises with the other students.
Take Responsibility As a teacher I must be able to take responsibility for my actions, therefore must always be aware and sure of what I am doing. When in my placement, if I asked a pupil to do something and the teacher later asked them to do it differently, I would let the teacher know that I had asked them to do it. I know that I must take responsibility for my actions, even though they might not always be correct.
Recognition Reflection Action
Skills not yet developed How I will develop these How do I know (evidence)**
Problem Solve I will develop these by undertaking many problem solving questions and by challenging myself in real situations.   I will know that my ability to problem solve is improving when I can tackle these questions in a calm manner and can logically work my way through it.
Work Under Pressure  I will develop this by reminding myself to remain calm and complete the task at hand. I will know that my ability to work under pressure is improving when I am able to stay calm and not show any sign of distress when there is a deadline to be met.

Online Unit1: Section A, Activity 1- Identifying Skills and Abilities

Activity 1.  

(1=Not very well developed; 3=very well developed)

   Personal Skills: 

Skills and Abilities 1 2 3
Self confidence
Work under pressure
Set personal goals
Take risks
Share opinions confidently

Interpersonal Skills

Skills and Abilities 1 2 3
Team work
Take responsibility
Build social networks
Manage Time
Act as a leader


Communication Skills    

Skills and Abilities 1 2 3
Make presentations
Listen to others
Debate formally and informally
Contribute to discussions
Converse confidently
Take notes
Write for academic purposes

Technical Skills

Skills and Abilities 1 2 3
Computing Skills
Be creative
Use technology

 Intellectual Skills     

Skills and Abilities 1 2 3
Problem solve
Generate new ideas
Work on own initiative
Organise and plan
Think critically
Evaluate information