Category Archives: edushare

Managing My Learning


Activity 1

Complete the table below to identify and reflect on those factors and plan actions for each.

Recognition/ Reflection Action
What helps my learning? How can I utilise this?
Discussing the topic with others
  • Set up a study group of like-minded peers
  • Engage with the online community
 Using colours for key words in notes
  •  Rewrite notes in spare time to ensure they are clear
  • Make posters etc. and place around my room to subconsciously engage with Education
 Getting alternative perspectives
  •  Set up a study group
  • Listen and note ideas of others to then consider and/or criticize
 Visual representations of topics
  •  Search the internet for visual representations of subjects, such as YouTube
  • create my own pictorial notes of topics
  •  Read relevant books/chapters more than once in order to reinforce knowledge
  •  Engage with sporting activities such as the gym and football to release positive hormones and endorphins.
  •  Create a timetable for myself of lectures, tutorials, study time, and sport time to ensure good time management.



Recognition/Reflection Action
What hinders my learning? How can I address this factor?
I’m easily distracted
  • Study in a place where distractions are minimal
  • Read lecture notes before the lecture and then take notes lectures to keep me focused
  •  Engage with sport to increase positive hormones thus giving me more motivation
  • Set personal goals, and rewards for achieving those goals
 Social functions
  •  Be sure to only engage with social functions after due work is complete
  • Use social functions as a reward for completing work
  •  Create a day to day plan of activities to ensure I do all tasks needed throughout the day without getting distracted
  •  Join the GP
  •  Do not participate in sport if deadlines are not met or if sufficient work has not been completed
 The internet
  •  set limits on how much internet I use for pleasure purposes such as Netflix to ensure work is completed


Why teaching?

Teaching has always been an integral part of my life from a young age; with my mum owning, and running an early years practice in my home town of Guildford. Since this time I have periodically worked and helped at the practice, whether it be for a little extra pocket money, or purely for the enjoyment of working and watching children grow and learn at such a young age. This led me to a job within a primary school within an after school care club, in which my enthusiasm and enjoyment in caring and teaching children flourished. It was here that I finally decided on a career choice, after an arduous seventeen years of wanting to become; a footballer, an actor, a singer and even a dinosaur. Finally an epiphany came; I was due to work at the school, and I could not dream of a worse way to spend my afternoon following a rubbish day in college. However after the short three hours of work on that day came to an end, a smile arose from my face and it was then I knew I wanted to work with children. If all goes well with my MA course, I hope to not only get a career as a teacher but to work my way to the zenith of a practices hierarchy. Furthermore I wish to change the perceptions of male teachers within primary teaching, which I feel is a hugely female dominant career. This is a strong goal of mine because as a child going through school I always felt far more engaged by male teachers than I did by female teachers and felt I always put in an extra mile when working with my male teachers. I hope all goes well within my course, and hope me and everyone involved comes out with the results they strive for.